I would like others to be more aware of the risk of endometrial cancer for women with PCOS - I am 37 and I have just been diagnosed with this disease (endometrial adenocarcinoma Grade 1) - an endometrial polyp proved to be cancerous after removal (through hysteroscopy). Fortunately the cancer is at an early stage and slow-growing, and my doctor has even agreed to try hormonal therapy in my case (the standard treatment is hysterectomy).
I have periods every month. I am not very overweight (my BMI is 27), but I have abdominal obesity (one of the risk factors for endometrial cancer). My story proves that endometrial cancer can really affect everyone with PCOS, even before 40 ...
So if you sometimes have a non-menstrual bleeding or bloody discharge from your vagina, please get it checked out - it may be endometrial cancer even if you are only in your 30s. Please don't assume that it's nothing serious. Endometrial cancer is usually curable when it's discovered at an early stage !