I have always had quite heavy periods until last year I had alot of stress (4 family deaths) and went really light so i went to the doctor,and she referred me to have an ultrasound,internal and to see the Gyno... In the mean time i did a ca-125 because i had back pain. The ca-125 came back 41 (this gave me bad anxiety which gives me pains all over my body now especially in my sides sometimes). The gyno and scan was clear apart from the lady said i had mild Polycystic on my right ovary. The only symptoms i have is i struggle to lose weight and my periods use to be heavy... They are regular and I have 2 children too. I had another ca-125 4 months after the first one and it came back 43... So I have another scan booked in for peace of mind. They blame the ca-125 being higher because i have PCO on my right,but when i looked it up that was not on the list? I am in a mess now because i want to know whats wrong. My back hurts,tummy hurts,loose stools all because im petrified they are misdiagnosing me.... My periods are only 2-3 days blood was brown and red at first but still light. I am very stressed and anxious,I've a couple of nasty panic attacks over it.I would be very grateful if any one had any advice about the symptoms for PCOS. I have had the blood test but they still have not told me if i have it or not?