Hi everyone, I have just been diagnosed with PCOS and was told we would be referred to the fertility clinic. My GP has said they have sent a referral off to the gyno as this is standard procedure. Is the gyno the ones who can prescribe anything for me? Thank you!
PCOS - referral by GP : Hi everyone, I have... - PCOS UK (Verity)
PCOS - referral by GP

yer they are the ones who can prescribed you things... you have a consultation with then.... then get sent off for a scan to confirm its pcos then after that they will talk about medication..... I know every place is different but thats what I got told would happen.... when I was referred for my pcos I had a scan and found out I was 6 weeks pregnant so never had no appointments after thats. good luck x
Thank you - I have had scans and blood tests, so they know for sure I have PCOS, was just wondering if being referred to the gyno was the same as being referred to the “fertility clinic”... it’s all a bit confusing at first! That’s amazing, congratulations on the pregnancy! X
I think it is.... my lb 7 months old now took me 5 yrs tc becasue of pcos but back in my old town they wouldn't do nothing for me it wasnt till I moved I started to get help.... hope you get the right treatment xx
The fertility clinic and gynaecology may be different places. Are you trying to conceive currently? You usually have to be trying to conceive for a specific amount of time to get a fertility clinic referral (6-12 months depending on the area). Its maybe best to check with your GP who the referral has been sent to. The gynaecologist can prescribe you medication to help manage the PCOS but it would be the fertility clinic for IVF etc.
Good luck!!
Thank you - yes we have been trying for a year now, my GP has said that IVF is a long way down the line as I have a mild form of PCOS, so I would be put on some sort of tablets at first, which is fine with me. Just wondering if the gyno can prescribe this or if it’s just another step before going to the actual fertility clinic. I shall give my GP a call to be sure though. Thanks for the help! X
Hey I know it’s super difficult to do this but be aware that although the doctors say that ‘it should be easy’ there is so much they don’t understand. I got told the exact same (normal weight no real outward symptoms) and I’m currently on my second IVF round. I really struggled when the tablets (letrozole) didn’t work because I had built it all up in my head.
I will keep everything crossed it will work for you but just be aware they don’t know how you will respond to the medication. Xx
Yes fertility goes via the gynae but pcos symptoms go via the endo, so you have been referred to the correct place.
Are you taking your temperature to see if you are ovulating as it would be useful to give your stats to the gynae (its the only way of seeing if you ovulate with pcos as periods dont really mean much and the ovulation kits dont tend to work for us)