No periods...: Hi there, I was diagnosed... - PCOS UK (Verity)

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No periods...

Kirky192 profile image
13 Replies

Hi there, I was diagnosed with PCOS about a year ago. I got my period when I was 14. Nothing abnormal or irregular to report, my cycle would have lasted around 6 days and would have came regularly every month. When I was 17 I went on the pill (microgynon) and stayed on that for around 2 years. I took a break for a year and then decided to go on it again in fear of getting pregnant, again, my periods were regular and came every month. After another year I decided to go off it again as I wasn't taking it regularly and my period came within 2 weeks of eachother once or twice, so I stopped. From then, my periods stopped. This was 3 years ago, I havent had a period since. During this, I lost around 2 stone in weight, unintentionally but I believe it was due to stress with university. Now I am so stressed and worried that i'll never be able to have children. I'm in a stable relationship of 7 years and now is not the right time for a child for us but I am so afraid that if I don't begin some sort of intervention now that it will never happen for me and this breaks my heart, I am now 24. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. :)

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Kirky192 profile image
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13 Replies
Bgs8694 profile image

Hi, I feel like I'm in a similar position as at 18 I got the contraceptive implant put in, I had a period then which lasted 2 weeks but then I never had another one for the 3 years I had the implant which I was told was normal, I straight away replaced that implant with a second one as at that point we weren't ready for children. My periods never returned even after the new implant but I was still told this was normal. After having this one in for 6 months I was diagnosed with PCOS, which I wasn't shocked with as my mother has it also; at this point me and my partner of 5 years decided that we would remove the implant and see how it went with regards to getting pregnant, trying to leave the stress that goes with trying behind! It's been nearly a year since then and I still haven't had a period! It really worries me that I may never have any children as I'm only 22. At the moment our gp has tested my partner in regards to a fertility clinic, however they can't say why my periods haven't returned as before this all they were pretty normal for a PCOS person. I don't suppose this helps you but it makes me feel a little better being able to talk about it with someone whose in a similar position x

Kirky192 profile image
Kirky192 in reply to Bgs8694

Hey! This is helpful to know that others are in a similar position but still, is not so nice for you to deal with. My doctor told me that he wasn't concerned about it as he knows every part of my reproductive system seems to work (because I used to get periods). However, as for not having periods, he said that girls like to go on the contraceptive pill to give them a regular cycle (period) but is of no real benefit in the long run? I felt against going on the pill again as I feel like that's what started my annorhoea. Have you been started on any medication to help you with your trying for a baby?

Bgs8694 profile image
Bgs8694 in reply to Kirky192

My doctor told me it was really worrying but.that putting me onto the contraceptive pill wouldn't help me get pregnant, we are waiting to here back about a referral to a fertility clinic but that's about it really. I would much rather sort out my periods to the moment, I think I need to maybe start the pill just to get my cycle going again? I'm just not sure what to do really :/

Kirky192 profile image
Kirky192 in reply to Bgs8694

It is worrying! See, I queried that aswell? But my doctor told me that it's just an artificial way of getting my period going and that it wouldn't help the problem as my periods may still be absent after stopping the contraceptive pill again? But I guess it would be worth a try?

Bgs8694 profile image
Bgs8694 in reply to Kirky192

I think I'll give it a try, it'll get things moving I suppose, even if it doesn't become 'normal' afterward. It's really nice to be able to talk to someone about it; my partner is so supportive and does his best but doesn't quite understand from a women's point of view x

Kirky192 profile image
Kirky192 in reply to Bgs8694

Yes you definitely should, it will give you piece of mind that your body is still able to work the way it's supposed to. It's lovely to be able to chat about it 🙂 I don't know about you, but if I'm ever with friends or colleagues and they're chatting about cramps and being on their TOMs and how awful it is, i feel like screaming at them, haha, they don't know how lucky they are!

Bgs8694 profile image
Bgs8694 in reply to Kirky192

Yeah I know exactly why you mean! It's just the simple little things that make a difference, is love to be having cramps because of my period! At least I'd know what was going on haha x

Zebradoo profile image

Hey I haven't got much advice but you really need to get drs to prescribe something to make you have a period and it's not healthy to go so long without one. I think your supposed to have at least 4 a year to keep things healthy. Also regarding the implant I had mine removed Jan 16 before pcos diagnosis and the implant can mess things up quite a bit and not a good contraceptive for ladies with pcos. X

Hols969 profile image

Its really important to have 4 periods a year to keep your uterus healthy, did you go back on the contraceptive pill - if not I would as it ensures you have a bleed and obviously is a contraceptive. Periods dont really mean too much fertility wise, you can ovulate without a period and a period doesnt mean you are ovulating. It is pretty rare not to conceive just because of PCOS and their is so much help out there as well so honestly, I would just get your body in the best shape possible, try and reduce the stress if possible as this makes the symptoms worse so up your exercise as well to try and combat it.

Honestly dont worry unnecessarily, when the time is right you will conceive, it may be quick, it may be long but you will conceive.

Kirky192 profile image
Kirky192 in reply to Hols969

Hi there, see, it was losing weight that I felt was a cause of me not having periods? Because my body had changed so much I felt this was a factor. My doctor said that going on the contraceptive pill was of no REAL benefit to me if I wasn't concerned about having a bleed? He told me that people just like to go on it with pcos to give them a period, although, how much can you believe what your doctor tells you... perhaps I should go and get a second opinion.

Ukbusybee profile image

Hi Ladies. I have PCOS and when I was in my teens/twenties my cycle used to vary from anything between 2 weeks and 12 months! Going on the pill causes you to have an artificial 'period' so, when you come off it, it's quite normal to take up to a year for periods to return to normal. And that's for women without PCOS! So having PCOS probably just takes a bit more time for your body to adjust to the hormone fluctuations. Stress can affect the menstrual cycle and so can losing weight quite quickly (I notice that my cycle changes the more active or inactive I seem to be over a period of time) so try not to worry just yet. Incidentally, I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes when I was 32 and changing my eating and exercise habits for a healthier lifestyle had a massive impact on my menstrual cycle. I now have a regular cycle of approx 32 days and have done for about 5 years, compared to irregular cycles for the prior 25 years!!. Are you following a healthy lifestyle? Maybe something to consider.

Hols969 profile image

Your GP is quite frightening really, it is crucial to have a bleed. I had one lady come to me that had developed cancer and was sure it was due to her GP dismissing the fact that she didnt have a bleed!! The combined contraceptive controls pcos so keeps the symptoms under control so it does sound like your GP doesnt really know about pcos, I would ask to be referred to an endocrinologist if possible. Have a look at the NICE guidelines on pcos as it advises what to expected treatment wise too.

Rc35 profile image

My doctor dont take my health seriously I said I want my period bk and there playing games saying I'm not diabetic so carnt be put on metformin

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