Diagnosis: Hi, I am 17 years old and have... - PCOS UK (Verity)

PCOS UK (Verity)

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sapphireblue1 profile image
4 Replies


I am 17 years old and have most signs of PCOS however I am too nervous to talk to my boyfriend or a doctor about it. What are the steps of getting diagnosed and what happens after you're diagnosed? Could it be likely I am unable to conceive also? Me and my partner are not actively trying to have children however we do not use contraception and I have never been pregnant (I would prefer if I didnt get a reply with a lecture this is our choice and I understand consequences of not using contraception).


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4 Replies
CharlotteP7 profile image

Hi i was your age when all my problems started with PCOS and I felt the same way I think deep down I knew there was a problem but I didn't want to face up to it so it took me until this year to go to the doctors (I'm now 25). I just explained about my absent periods and then the doctor asked me a few questions (symptoms of pcos) and then I had a blood test and an internal ultrasound and it was confirmed that I had it. They like to put you on the pill to start with unless your trying to conceive and they advise if your overweight (as quite a lot of women with pcos are) to try and lose some weight even 5% weight loss can help your symptoms please speak to your doctor as leaving it will just make it harder to deal with later on x

Hols969 profile image

I would get diagnosed as when you do actively want a child then more help is available. Has your partner been tested as the issue may not be with you ...... 1/3 of fertility issues are now men.

Generally low GI diet is good from a pcos point of view, so cut out all white carbs and as much sugar as poss and this can help the symptoms.

You can be diagnosed by symptoms alone, but generally they will do an internal scan to see if you have cysts (which is only a symptom and not everyone has cysts, which are follicles really so the name is misleading). Blood tests are often done as well, but sadly they can be a bit hit and miss too....)

Their are long term consequences of pcos so it is good to get yourself diagnosed. It is also important to have 4 periods a year to keep your uterus healthy.

2 places to look is fertilityfriends as this is the most accurate way to see if you do ovulate or not (a period doesnt mean much so dont presume no period means no ovulation, I had regular periods but didnt ovulate) and the second place is to look at the NICE guidelines on pcos as it will advise what help you should receive.

sapphireblue1 profile image

Thank you I've booked an appointment now, I was previously on the pill but it didn't seem to agree with me especially my moods I was up and down like a yoyo not to mention the migraines!

If you are at all worried, I would definitely go to your doctor (I'm sure it is your right to request a female doctor if you're more comfortable) and speak to them. They are medical professionals and as much as we worry about being embarrassed and what might happen; they see lots of different things every day and are equipped to help us and deal with whatever you have to tell them. It will help to get everything off your chest. And while it's up to individuals as to who they are comfortable speaking to; if you are even considering having a child with your current boyfriend; you should be able to talk to him about anything. Be brave and share; you'll be surprised how much it helps.

PCOS diagnosis does not mean you are unable to conceive. My husband and I have been trying for a baby for almost 2 years and been through lots of tests; not all of which are embarrassing OR dignifying but it helped me get peace and I know that there isn't anything major wrong; it's just that I'm not as fertile as I could be. I've been offered NHS IVF treatment but I'm not sure I want to go down that road.

Anyway, my advice to you is speak to the people who love you and care about you; speak to your doctor and take their advice. Keep as healthy as you can and look after yourself. You'll be fine.

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