I have just got home from a week long stay in hospital as my neutrophil count was down to 0.1. I had a very strong course of antibiotics and the have now gone upb to 4. The doctors have said that I should not have been on azathioprine and mycofenelate, my dermatology doctor was over dowsing me. Has any one been neutropenic.?
Has anyone had had neutropenia .?: I have just... - Vasculitis UK
Has anyone had had neutropenia .?
Hi Mikki,
Anyone taking immune suppressing drugs is at risk of neutropenia. Most especially if taking 2 immune suppressing drugs together, as you were.
It is always important for the WBC (white blood cell count) to be carefully monitored when taking these immune suppressing drugs most especially if two are being taken together. This might mean blood tests at weekly intervals to start with, but then monthly intervals if all is OK. Immune suppressants should NEVER be given without this careful monitoring.
Hi Mikki, yes I have been neutropenic a few years ago when I was having Cychlophosphamide infusions and could not leave the house and had the doctor or nurse to my house to take bloods? I have jhust come off Mychophenolate to be put on Methotrexate and I had to have a 2 week gap as I was informed that I couldn't be on anything else with Mychophenolate. However, I have always had regular bloods as already said and my GP is pretty good at looking at my results and at the moment I am on 2 weekly bloods as my CRP has been going up again, so my interval of monitoring is carefully monitored and changes with my results?
all the best
Hi Mikki, I became nuetrapoenic whilst taking Aza, I had to spend a week in hospital and commenced on Mtx but I had to leave a gap of a few weeks. I started with weekly , fortnightly then monthly bloods, I'm now on 2-3 monthly bloods which have been good so far.
Aud :o)