how long should l wait after having ribuximub to have my Covid booster. I had my infusion 3 weeks ago and have had 2 texts inviting me to get my booster. I can’t seem to find any information regarding this . If any one can help l would be grateful thank you
Covid vaccine after ribuximub : how long... - Vasculitis UK
Covid vaccine after ribuximub

There isn’t a definitive answer but waiting at least 4 weeks post rituximab is the general advice. It would either be a month before rituximab or waiting at least a month after.
The info I have seen in the past is that the vaccination should be done as close to the next infusion as possible. i.e. as long AFTER an infusion as is practicable.
"Avoiding vaccination while rituximab is taking effect, whereby completing vaccination 2-4 weeks before rituximab treatment, is suggested by international practice guidelines (21, 22)."
I asked my Rheumatologist about this and was advised to wait until 4.5 to 5 months after the Rituximab infusion and then to have it more than 4 weeks before the next infusion. Quite a tight period to get it sorted. She also advised that it is OK to have the flu jab anytime.
My last rituximab infusion was over 6 months ago and my nephrologist is telling me to continue to wait to get the new Covid vaccine because my B cells are still depleted. I have had all the prior recommended doses and he says I am probably still protected somewhat from the prior doses. I admit I’m skeptical, I’ve read everyone including immunocompromised people should get the booster, and am reaching out to him again to ascertain if his opinion has changed.
He did recommend I get the flu shot.
Similar to other respondents , my consultant recommended that I get the vaccines in 4 weeks or so prior to a rituximab infusion so that the vaccine has the best chance to react before the immune system gets hammered again by the rituximab.
I'm on 6 monthly doses of rituximab, so waiting beyond 6 months for the immune suppressing effects of rituximab to wear off is impractical.
It depends on the count of your B cells, if these are depleted maybe you'll be unable to do anticovid antibodies. In my case, I got 1000 g of rituximab (2 doses of 500 mg) and the effect of the medication lasted 2.5 years! After a year of the infusion, I got vaccinated 2 times (4 doses) and sadly made no antibodies because the response of my immune system was too low. Nevertheless, my infectologist told my that vaccine cause some possitive effect on my T-cells, because even with zero anticovid antibodies, when I got covid, I could fight against it pretty well.
I hope you get your vaccine and antibodies soon.
I was always advised the have the vaccination at least one month before rituximab and at least 3 months after but I consider the time of year as well as it is more important to be vaccinated in the winter
Hi there
This is always a tricky one. I’ve only recently finished my latest rituximab , 5 weeks ago, but I’m going to have my booster next week. I’m aware I might not create any antibodies but feel very vulnerable at the moment with so much covid around and hoping it may offer me a little protection at least.
If it wasn’t the time of year and covid wasn’t so prevalent I think I’d wait but feel safer having it .
I know it’s personal preference and medical advice seems to differ but good luck what you decide