Hi everybody, had my spring booster a week last Friday which was my 5th dose. When my 3rd primary dose was due in October last year I posted how much difficulty I ah getting it. My consultant arranged it for me but it got recorded as a booster (it was Pfizer so was the same dosage) had another booster in January and booked my next booster via the NHS app. When I got there I said to the nurses that people were having difficulties getting a 5th jab, they said if the system allows it your in. Full stop.
5th Vaccine - No problem: Hi everybody, had my... - Vasculitis UK
5th Vaccine - No problem

No-one has said anything to me about a 5th jab. I can only assume it's for people on stronger immunosuppressives.
Hi May7. Hope all is well with you. To be honest nobody said anything to me but it’s worth trying via the NHS website under “book booster” it worked for me. Nick
Hello, thanks. I checked the NHS site and it said that to get the maximum benefit from the spring booster, we're to get it 6 months after the previous dose. So that means July for me. So far, everything has been sent or notified automatically, but if I get to the end of June and heard nothing, I will get in touch with them.
Hi May7 I used to get notifications by way of emails and texts from NHS but it’s stopped for some reason. I think the NHS coverage is dodgy at best so I personally wouldn’t rely on it.
It seems you are right from what we hear from many others too. So I will take your advice and keep an eye on it. I always put any expected appointments and dates in my phone calendar (medical reminders in red, which far outnumber everything else. What a life!) So in this case I'll try and keep on top of the jab situation June/July time. At the moment I have so many other things going wrong to worry about. They must be so overworked, that's all I can think.
I’ve recently had my 5 th which was the Moderna booster, had several reminders from nhs by letter and text.I take 3 mg tacrolimus, 5 mg prednisolone, 50 mg azathioprine daily.
I’m 9 years post transplant.
Hi. Had my fifth last week after being prompted by NHS texts and emails. It didn't mention '5th' but checked with the health unlocked forum who confirmed it was 'a thing!'When I arrived for my appointment she said it was my 4th! So I had the jab then went for a coffee and checked my NHS app. Definitely my 5th but the jab clinic didn't have the October one on their records.
Previous 4 all Pfizer but this one was Moderna. Had a sore arm for a couple of days but other than that no ill effects
I have had my 5th dose too! I received an email invitation. 4th dose 6 January, 5th 26th April.Mind you, I'd gone to the GP for the shingles vaccine but they had ordered the live vaccine instead of the non live so I came away with 5th Pfizer dose instead! 😂
I'm off for a 4th jab, the second booster on wednesday, May 4th after getting a text from my gp and a letter from the NHS or government I forget what the header was.
Doubt I'll need a 5th..I hope. Fingers crossed no side effects as I've had mild ones so far that haven't lasted. I'm in remission for SLE, have been for about 3 years so no drugs they've been stopped but I have ongoing Sjogrens and asthma.
Hi Investigator, l haven't even been offered my 4th booster yet and guess what l have COVID!