Just had my 4th Covid vaccine - booster after 3 primary vaccines, because I’m severely immunosuppressed. I live in Scotland, and want to remind Scots that you can book yourself in for this 12 weeks after your 3rd primary. Though I would recommend checking your local health board’s arrangements, in case they are contacting you directly. My health board NHS Tayside advise 3rd primary people to book online for a booster. They also told me to do this when I phoned them before booking ahead at the start of December. The nurse at the vaccine centre today double checked how to record my vaccine. She could have entered it as vaccine 4 or booster, but chose booster, after discussion. Though she took a note of my details after to double check. Again this is the situation re Scotland. Booster and 4th vaccine recording is different in other parts of the UK, as are appointment arrangements or otherwise. I had my booster today 13 weeks after my 3rd primary, but I could have had it any time from 12 weeks on. Unlike in England Scots can book for 12 weeks after, and don’t have to wait for 13 weeks. I hope everyone else who needs their booster gets it as soon as possible. On the downside I am expecting to have another neuro vasculitis flare - I’ve flared after all 3 previous Covid vaccines, with dramatically increased neurological symptoms that took up to 3 months each time to recover from. So January to March may be “interesting” … But hey I’m protected Happy.
Just had my 4th Covid vaccine (booster) + ar... - Vasculitis UK
Just had my 4th Covid vaccine (booster) + arrangements in Scotland

I also live in Scotland and NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde sent me a letter re 4 vaccine ( booster) to receive it on 12/1/22. Keep well!
Thanks. I get mine later today 12 weeks since 3rd. I really hope you can manage to avoid a neuro flare up. Apart from sore arm and extra fatigue I haven’t reacted much at all to mine so far.
I am the Lothian region; owing to the fact that initially I was considered "normal" and put with my age group and then having to wait for a month after rituximab transfusion, I have yet to get my third vaccination - booked for January. I have since had two letters telling me I am in a high risk category.
Please could you describe your ‘ neuro symptoms’ to me? I am having an increasingly difficult time with my feet and legs which turn to aching rubber.. combined with worsening breathlessness it turns my efforts to walk into a battle which I don’t think I am winning.
I have cerebral vasculitis in a very multiple sclerosis like form. I’ve had this since 1994 when I was 22. My full story is on the Vasculitis UK charity page at vasculitis.org.uk/living-wi...
But to be more specific the increased neuro symptoms I’ve been battling with during 2021 for up to three months each time after three prior Covid vaccines are four fold: dramatically increased sleeping (up to 18 hours total unconscious time per day) and heavy sedation when awake, crippling headaches, huge arm and leg control problems (but that’s worsening for me anyway as my disease progresses more) and greatly increased bladder incontinence (mainly urge and frequency, but also retention).
Do your medics know about your new symptoms? It is really important that they know.
Interesting - although sounds horrible. My Vasculitis is secondary to MCTD and also been mistaken for MS. I also got so tired after each with the common sore arm. Today after 4th vac yesterday it’s in another league though - joint aches, fever, splitting headache, muscle pain.
Thinking maybe this is a good sign as I stopped my 3g Mycophenolate a few days before and plan a week off. Hoping it means I’ve mounted a proper immune response this time 🤞🏻
I’ve been very flu like post vaccine since early yesterday morning. But it is easing now. I don’t mind these vaccine side effects because they show I’m getting some immune response. Far more serious for me are my neuro illness flares, which the last three times started the week after my vaccine, as the last of the vaccine side effects eased. And then went on for up to three months. Hope you feel better soon!
Poor you - anything neuro flaring scares me. My main probs are neuro gastro these days and this seems to be how I flare up from end to end. I can’t blame the vaccines at all so far though. My bod just does it’s thing!🤷🏻♀️
Thank you for yours. I followed a couple of links to find the Imperial College study on this. I’m slightly immune-suppressed because of vasculitis. Had booster in mid-October & so far, so good. Wishing you a good year ahead.