My 12 yr old daughter has been diagnosed with HSP(5 weeks ago) - had the full gambit of joint swellings, rashes etc but what is causing the main issue is abdominal pain. 60mg of steroids about to be reduced to 30mg and calpol don't seem to be easing the pain. Hospital have been great but don't seem to want to discuss any other pain management - has anyone got any good tips on how I can help manage her pain and distress.
HSP and pain management: My 12 yr old daughter... - Vasculitis UK
HSP and pain management

Children nurofen liquid if she is allowed to take it might be better, only a suggestion,, just a thought.
Thank you for your reply. We can't go down the liquid nurofen route as there is a risk that her kidneys could be affected by this condition. To help with the inflammation it would be a better option, but we've had to rule it out.
If you daughter has bad abdominal pain consult with the specialist nurse or phone the consultants secretary asap. It could be urgent. Check that you are giving the full quantity of paracetamol based on her age and weight. Normally paracetamol tablets are better at that age.
So sorry to hear that your 12 year old is suffering so much. It is very difficult as she is so young and I think you have to be careful. As she is on high dosage streroids, perhaps the a good approach may be to see what you could do with eating the right food that could help. Also things such as mild aromatherapy oil mixture gently rubbed on her stomach and body could ease the pain somewhat both emotionally and physically. Because she is a young person, everything has to be done very carefully. There are many ways to find coping methods. I have always looked for natural, alternative ways if possible. When on many prescription pills, it is not wise to add more pills to take. Please try to see if you can find other alternative coping methods. All best wishes!!!
Thank you. We are trying all sorts