Hi. I was wondering if anyone could help. At the end of next week I'm going away to the states on holiday for 2 weeks. When I first talked to the hospital they seemed to think it would be OK for me to miss two of my tocilizumab injections. However I've just been today and they said I should definitely take them. Does anyone have any good ways of keeping the syringes at between 2 and 8 degrees whilst I'm away? I'm doing a road trip so can't rely on hotel fridges. Thank you!
Travelling with injections....: Hi. I was... - Vasculitis UK
Travelling with injections....

Never mind the road trip you may have some issues taking the syringes onto the planes. You will need some sort of written proof that you need them, e.g. from your GP. Do sort this out before you go. And they will have to be kept at the right temperature during the flight.
I'm not quite sure how well you will be able to manage to keep them cool during your road trip. Hopefully others will have more ideas!

Following myself up on this you should check your airline's website to see if they have a policy there about travelling with injections, which may include advice on what to do. The general advice I've read though is that you need some sort of letter e.g. from a GP explaining why the syringes etc. are needed. And then you can show that to the security staff at the airport if need be.
See also gov.uk/hand-luggage-restric...
Having travelled in the USA I really struggle to imagine how you can keep your syringes at 2-8C consistently. You can buy ice at every filling station but that won't be enough in a cool box if it is very hot. A reliable fridge to maintain that temperature would cost a bomb - you can get them at a camping store but you would need a top of the range one.
I took 3 syringes to New Zealand. I had no problems taking them through security I had letter from the renal consultant explaining they must travel with me and not put in the hold because they needed to be at constant temperature. With help from the renal nurse we managed to find a cool box which stayed cold for 90 hours. The ice blocks like were not water but chemical which were frozen before leaving the UK. I put a thermometer in the col box to monitor the temperature and it stayed between 2 and 8 degrees. I am sure this would help but you would need to freeze the blocks at some stage during the trip.
Dear JELsom,
In answer to your actual question, use 'cold blocks'. Regarding travelling with 'sharps' get a letter, from the Hospital Consultant and/or your doctor and 'declare' everything, to customs BOTH ends. Despite their reputation and the obvious 'fire arms' the American Officers DO understand the need for medication. What they don't like is people trying to evade them. So be completely honest, show them all the relevant 'paper work', that you did take with you (didn't you????), and be prepared for a delay-which you may not get.
Enjoy your holiday.