I asked my Gp for a trial of T3 last november & as a result of that she referred me back to the endo admitting she didn't know anything about T3 & not much more about thyroid but would be happy to prescribe T3 with the endos say so & guidence so my appointment was on Tuesday & was a complete & utter waste of time, the endo is completely against T3 saying it has to be taken so many times a day, is difficult to monitor, causes palpitations and that there's only one piece of evidence in its favour & that's not really reliable?
I showed her the bit in Anthony Tofts book to which she said she had never heard of him & wasn't interested. For once I didn't get emotional and explained I still have loads of symptoms on Levo & have never felt well she suggested all my symptoms are due to my anaemia & heavy periods & can't possibly be thyroid related because my tsh & t4 are 'normal' I pointed out that anaemia is a symptom of hypothyroidism but it didn't make any difference. I said my results may be 'normal' but do not reflect how I'm feeling one little bit!!
She suggested a referral to gyno to see if I have fibroids causing heavy periods I think it's a waste of time tho & think once I'm on the right thyroid meds my periods along with all my other symptoms will improve she did say once my iron levels are 'normal' if I'm still feeling ill she would consider T3 but I've been taking iron pills since 2010 & my iron levels haven't been 'normal' yet so I'm not hopeful! I suggested intravenous iron which had been offered to me before but she said no so that makes me think its just an empty promise.
All I want is a trial of T3 I know its a big ask & may not even work but until I try I won't know