It is three and a half months since I persuaded the doctor to start increasing my thyroxine to 150mcg, where it was when I was relatively healthy. I persuaded him to do this on the basis of the Dr Toft book. I had a blood test last week and yesterday was the follow-up appointment with the doctor.
(When I had my blood test I sneakily asked the nurse what my TSH and Cholesterol were last ime. It is like getting blood out of a stone but she did tell me. TSH had gone up from 1.4 to 1.55 in a month from January to February despite the increase of 25mcg in Dec - but I think it could be a rubbish batch of Thyroxine- and cholesterol was 9.7 in December, not tested last time. Nothing else was given or it was not tested.)
When I saw Dr yesterday he told me that my TSH was 'really, really low' at 1.01. My cholesterol had gone down to 8. (It's been as high as 10 since he reduced my Levo). He has decided to go back on his word to go up to 150 and told me to stay on 125. This has upset me, but the whole attitude was the most disturbing. It went like this:
Doctor: Hello, let's have a look at your blood result. Oh dear, your TSH has gone down really low.
Me: How low?
Doc: Really low.
Me: Exactly how low?
Doc: well, its
Me: It's-? What, exactly?
Doc: 1.01 (Ranges? Are you joking?)
Me: Oh. that's good.
Doc: No, it's not. If it goes any lower we'll have to reduce your thyroxine. Mind you, the T4 is not that high. I wonder why that is?
Me: Why would you measure the T4? Surely that is only the tablets I'm taking, since I don't have a thyroid. Unless I'm mistaken, the T4 in my system could only be the Levo since the thyroid no longer exists. Would that be a reasonable assumption?
Doc: Well, I suppose so.
Me: Wouldn't the T3 be a better guide as to how I'm doing? I would have thought that if the lab felt that the TSH was low, they would measure the T3 to see if it is normal, have they done that? I believe when we discussed the Levo increase we agreed that if the TSH reaches the level recommended by Dr Toft, then the T3 needs to be checked to see if it is normal? Has that been done?
Doc: No.
Me: Right. Oh, by the way. how is my cholesterol?
Doc: It's actually gone down. It's 8. That's strange. Have you been doing anything different?
Me: Well, you know I have. I've been taking 25mcg more thyroxine a day. I'm pleased but not surprised that it has gone down a bit, since that's what I was hoping.
Doc: Oh, that's probably just a normal variation.
Me: Well, it has not varied for six years, it's always been between 9.7 and 10 since my thyroxine was reduced in Nov 2005. This is the first time it has actually gone down. Now, we've done the numbers. Would you like to know how I actually feel?
Doc: Alright, then.
Me: I am much more lively, no longer depressed, the house is cleaner and tidier, I am sleeping a bit better, I've lost 6 pounds in weight, and I have even managed to go shopping on my own several times. You saw that my cholesterol is lower - that has to be a good thing, surely?
Doc: Let's check your blood pressure, we don't want that to start going up or we will have to reduce the thyroxine. Oh dear, it is a bit higher, we'll have to watch that. (rubbing his hands in glee).
Me: That'll be white coat syndrome. (No, actually, I am boiling over inside. No surprise the BP is up!!!)
Doc: Well, We'll let you carry on with 125 for the moment. But it's far too dangerous to put it up any more. See you in six months.