Hi all,
Should have blogged about me first endo appt last week but was still digesting the meeting and trying to make sense of it all.
Firstly getting the appt was a battle as, according to my local hosp, an URGENT appt was a two month wait. I phoned up the endo's secretary and practically threatened her with legal action if I ended up in a different hosp on the operating table and things went wrong. Need to back track here and tell people who dont know my story that I was sent to an endo by my anesthetist as he wasn't at all happy about operating on me for an ovarian cyst whilst my "thyroid condition is so unstable".
So after doing battle with the endo's secretary and getting an appt for the next day (amazing what a little gentle persuasion can do.lol) I went along to see him with a sinking heart (I have a major distrust of most NHS staff).
The appt started off on a bad foot when the endo decided to tell me that T3 didn't work (I had been on t3 for over a year and knew differently) so we had a little bit of a disagreement with him telling me I could get a second opinion and that he had made time outside of his normal surgery hours to see me (in other words "how dare you argue with me when I have put myself out to help you"). Further discussions regarding thyroid issues, including fillers in medication, led to a few more clashes of opinion but through it all we managed to come to a mutual understanding, he knew I was no push over and I knew how far to push him before he was likely to order me out of the room.
The outcome of this hour long appt was a shed load of tests from heart and bone scans (went through an early menopause at 42) through to adrenals, which we discussed at length, all vitiamins and many more. He's parting statement to me that "you might end up back on T3" made me smile as an hour before he was telling me it didn't work!!!!
Just a note to make you laugh - I asked him what his views were regarding NDT and he almost hit the roof "you have just been saying that you thought your heart palps could be down to fillers in your T4 and you then ask me about NDT, its the worse form of hormone replacement you can take for fillers. We just dont know whats in the stuff and at what quantities". After letting him rant for a further few minutes I calmly said "well I only wanted your opinion, I wouldn't take NDT as I am a veggie and have been for 20+ years" You should has seen his face, even he had to smile at my cheek.
He sent me, then and there, for a quick ECG and made me hand in my other heart scan form "to save time" and then off I went to have the many blood tests done that he had ordered.
That was 9 days ago and today I have been phoned by the hosp to go and have a short synacthen test done as my adrenal bloods are not looking too healthy. What makes me really annoyed is that I asked my GP over a year ago about adrenal problems and she looked at me like I had two heads, and then did nothing.
All in all I think I have had quite a successful outcome and, at last, I feel that something is being done. I actually like my endo (at the moment, but that could yet change) and feel that he is doing a good job. Is that down to the fact that an anesthatist could see I had a problem? I think it probably is - do I care - no not really, as long as I get sorted I dont give two hoots how and why it came about BUT I do know that if I hadn't stuck up for myself, firstly with the endo's secretary and then him, I dont think I would have faired so well, so my advise to you all on here is to trust your instincts - if you know something isn't right KEEP FIGHTING.
Best wishes to you all.
Moggie x