Dear Ladies, where do you go for advice in rega... - Thyroid UK

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Dear Ladies, where do you go for advice in regards to your female sex hormones problems?( oestrogens, progesterone, FSH, LH ...)

27 Replies

In USA they have gynaecological endocrinologists to deal with sex hormones imbalances. In UK such specialists do not seem to exist. I am wondering whom do you ask for advice if you have problems with your estrogen, progesterone, FSH, LH levels?

Are there any good specialists in UK?

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27 Replies
Jackie profile image

Hi Endo`s deal with all hormones and all the endocrine system, a huge range.Make sure you see a good one.

best wishes,


in reply to Jackie

Thank you Jackie. That's why I am always looking. Are there any good endocrinologists in this country? Xx

Jackie profile image
Jackie in reply to

Hi I know what you mean. I do have a wonderful one but I see her privately. lots of TUK people go but depends where you live and how far you want to travel.She is very reasonable,She treats me for lots of things! I never have any tests at a private hospital, there are alternatives ,as that is what makes it so expensive. I see her Saturdays, at Leamington Spa, if it is any use to you send me a PM.Click on my name.

Best wishes,


GuardianAngel profile image

I wish we had them here Edysia as I am sure it might help more. I was told I needed HRT to balance mine BUT they wont give it to me as I am overweight. So sex hormones doing god knows what!

in reply to GuardianAngel

Thank you Guardian Angel. I become more and more sad and terrified over all these! It's like there is no doctors that knows..they need to adjust HRT to your weight. I hate the way patients are treated here.

elayneg profile image


When I asked I was told that at my age I shouldn't expect my hormones to be working and anyway at 50 who wants to be thinking of sex. That was by my female endo. She says that it has nothing to do with my overactive thyroid.

Oh well twin set and pearls here I come, time to get the knitting needles out I suppose and knit myself a bedjacket and socks.

If anyone has any solutions I would love to know because I do not feel like lying down and giving in to being 50

in reply to elayneg

Sex hormones have a lot to do with thyroid! Does any doctor knows anything here?

It's so sad.

mstp profile image

I recently had mine tested through Genova Diagnostics via Dr P. The results came back and I was low on everything so he's suggested I use 20:1 cream. x

in reply to mstp

Thank you mstp.I have mine tested via NHS. The problem is that this country have no good doctors who would know enough about reproductive organs and their endocrine system (the point of female sex hormones )

I assume 20:1 cream you mention is progesterone cream?

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mstp profile image
mstp in reply to

Hi Edysia I think it is 20:1 Progesterone Oestrogen cream, presumably referring to the ratio of each.

in reply to mstp

Thank you mstp. I couldn't get appt with dr P he is far too busy. Did he tell you what brand to use or where to get it from?

I am curious if you are going to benefit from this cream. I hope you do. It's hard to find right treatment :(


Jackie profile image
Jackie in reply to

Hi Again, I did see 2 private doctors originally but they do just treat thyroid and I was only properly diagnosed when I changed to an endo.


in reply to Jackie

Who was the endo you have seen Jackie? Is he good ? Did he help you?

Jackie profile image
Jackie in reply to

Edysia, We are not allowed to put docs names on the open site. I have you sent you a PM but now cannot find it. So if I have messed up send me a PM, click on my name.


in reply to Jackie

I have got it! Thank you Jackiexx

mstp profile image
mstp in reply to

I've just looked it up because mine hasn't arrived yet. It is Wellsprings Natural Progesterone Cream that I bought online after comparing prices.

It might be worth making an appointment and being prepared to wait for Dr P. I had to wait for three months but after that I have been able to make telephone appointments with him and even benefited from talking to the knowledgeable lady in his office.

I'm really looking forward to the 20:1 cream arriving because it might be the next step in my personal health puzzle. The problem we all seem to face is that by the time we recognise we are ill with thyroid problems we are in fact very ill because our bodies are run down in lots of different ways, eg low in vits and minerals, low in hormones and low adrenal function. It then takes time and multiple approaches to gradually work our way back to health. I'm saying this on a good day. Some days I've wondered if I'm ever going to make it!

in reply to mstp

Thank you mstp. Wellspring is a very popular brand. I hope it will suit you. I am giving up on my quest. It seem to be pointless... All of it.

I didn't come across any doctor that I could trust.

mstp profile image
mstp in reply to

Please don't give up Edysia. Ring Dr P and make that appointment. x

ravenhex profile image

As in my reply to the Edysia own post, I know the sex hormone,abdominal, bowel side very well as the horrendous side of lack of communication between 2 Medical Depts.

The sex hormones, fall also under Gynaecology. In some hosptials The Endo do it all, others half are split between Gynae and Endo.

There lies the issue. Rarily do 2 different Medical Dept will talk to each other. If anything you are more likely to be shunted backaa nd forth.

in reply to ravenhex

It's just nothing left as to die. I am searching for help for ages. I am so exhausted and frustrated that I just can't look any more.

ravenhex profile image
ravenhex in reply to

Did you read my post to you. I know how the system is and how as a result of its failing can end up like.

I can however offer advice and hopefully save somebody else ending up like me in a truelly horrific state.

merissa profile image

Edysia, I know how daunting frustrating and exhausting this illness is, your post tells me you are at your tether and no matter what you do, you are back at the beginging. Firstly a positive note ,would be that you have a lot of determination to come so far and you have established some of the cause of your illness, but you feel that the trust has been broken by medical proffesionals, believe me I understand why!!!!!

Dr P is lovely and I feel will help you, I realise when you feel ill, its no joy, especially when another issue comes up and you are to exhausted to even think about tackling anothr health concern.

hormone imbalances are all interlinked, one out means another, maybe, would you consider doing one thing at a time? like, firstly sort out your adrenals, then find out if you have food intolarances, vitamin and mineral deficiences,

When you have them all in range, then have a thyroid re test to see if anything changed. Having hormone imbalances is no joy, depression and anxiety is a contributing factor.

You have come so far and you must see your self as a determined lady who is going to get well, regardless of un professional bodies.

one day at a time my friend, you have taken a huge step and a little step back for the minute. The day you feel a big step, is the day the gloves are on again.

I really do hope you tackle this issue in steps, rather than full on, if you are like me, my head goes into overload and I have a meltdown, where I feel I need to shut of for a couple of days.

hope this helps hun xxx

GuardianAngel profile image

Well I am 51 and coming towards the end of the menopause which came on early probably due to TT but if any of you have read my blogs you will know that despite no HRT etc I have battled through and had some adventures :). I am not about to give up on life and sex.

ravenhex profile image
ravenhex in reply to GuardianAngel

Think many of us have had some adventures, some we'd wish not to have. I'd like my menopause to turn up and get on with . I should have entreed within 5 years of my hysterectomy. I'm still waiting and still churning out oestrogen among others like Im a teenager.

Just wish my outer appearence was teen shaped too. lol

GuardianAngel profile image


I wish my outer was teen shaped too my daughter says I am the teenager and her the mature grown up! lol she is right too.

ThankfulWanyana profile image

Thank you, Edysia, I was wondering about this too!

(G.Angel-LOL! My bro. says this re: him and his son!)

dylansmum profile image

Hi Girls!

I am underactive thyroid on 125mg thyroxine. I have had major problems with libido, non existant, for years. However I have researched on line and have come across Andro-Femme,

It is quite expensive, and comes from Australia, but it's a miracle in a tube! try it, it takes 4 week or so to kick in, but whoooooooo! Let me know if it works for you too!xxxx

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