I am now 44 and in 2000 I decided to go and see my GP about feeling tired, putting weight on, constipation and overall feeling completely exhausted. My GP said she needed to take a blood test to check my thyroid, when i returned for my results she then said they had lost the blood test but it didn't matter because she knew what was wrong with me and I was suffering from depression. I had 10 weeks off work which I was only allowed to have off as long as i agreed to take prozac, i weaned myself off the prozac within a couple of months as they had no effect I was feeling better but that was purely because I didn't have to get up early in the morning to go to work.
I returned to work but ending up having most of my holidays taken off me because i couldn't do a full days work because of tiredness.
In 2002 I left my job because looking after 4 children and going to work was too much.
I have always been around about 9 and a half stone to 10 stone even after having 4 children and actually weighed 9 stone 3 after having my 4th child in 1999.
In 2003 I had an emergency operation for an abcess in my bum due to constipation and then a further 2 more operations that same year.
In 2005 my husband told me to go and see the GP, I was falling asleep every night at 6pm, I had to be wakened by my husband every morning at 10 am and then i would have a nap at 12 noon until 2 pm. The GP asked me how long i had had the goitre, to which i replied i didn't know i had one. the Gp would not put me on thyroxine until the blood test came back, when the test did come back he said it wasn't that bad but my thyroid was under active and put me on thyroxine and sent me on my way.
I returned to see another GP who sent me for a scan, the doctor who did the scan said I had Hashimotos which meant that the goitre would just get bigger and bigger and i needed to have it removed, i then realised why i woke up every night having a choking fit every time i lay on my back.
I went back to see the GP who was happy to send me on my way, I said whats going to happen about the goitre to which he replied nothing and then said what do you want me to do. i told him i did not want a goiter at 36 years of age that was going to get bigger and bigger so he referred me and I had it removed.
I have been on varying amounts of levothyroxine over the years ranging from 100 to 200, I am currently on 175 and 150 alternate days. They still haven't got the dosage right.
I now way 13 stone 10 lbs and apparently this has nothing to do with my thyroid, I walk twice a week 12 miles and I regularly eat 1200 calories a day.
I have researched T3 and cannot understand why I am not being offered T3 or Armour to try, the only thing the GP constantly says is your blood tests are normal and the weight gain is due to your age.
as anyone tried T3 or Armour and felt a lot better?????