New to the site and is my first time posting.
I recently went to my GP for a blood test for another health problem, and my thyroid was also tested.
My first results were on the 21st September 2018
TSH 8.5 (0.3-5.5)
FT4 12 (10-22)
My cholesterol was also borderline high, sorry haven’t got the ranges as not provided by my GP
I then had retest on the 30th November 2018
TSH 7.6 (0.3-5.5)
FT4 14 (10-22)
My GP requested me to have an anti-TPO blood test however the results have still not returned.
Is this an indicator of hypothyroidism or are my levels likely to be temporary and go back to normal?
My sister has Hashimotos and I’m not sure if it’s hereditary or not?
I have attached a photo as I am just a bit concerned my neck looks a bit swollen.
I only have a few symptoms- tiredness and being cold a lot. Which makes me think that if I had hypothyroidism I would have more symptoms.
Sorry the picture isn’t too great and I also have a chunky neck so am finding it hard to see if it’s a goitre or not
Thanks for reading!