I developed a swelling in my neck. Doctor said I have a diffuse goitre and is sending me for ultra sound. My thyroid results doctor said were very slightly borderline low T4. I also have CFS/ME and Candida as well as advanced periodontal disease. I have been trying to treat my Candida eating garlic. Any one familiar with Candida will know about die off. I am really scared because as the Candida dies off my goitre gets bigger. Could anyone explain this ? I am trying to help my body get rid of candida but making the goitre worse. Doctor says I have auto immune thyroid. Sorry it's all very new.
Goitre: I developed a swelling in my neck. Doctor... - Thyroid UK

At the least you have a dr that’s taken your goitre as a sign of a thyroid problem. I’ve had a goitre for years, been diagnosed with fibromyalgia but I suspect all my symptoms come from a thyroid problem. Trouble is doctors here won’t do anything. I was told a goitre was quite normal by an endo at local hospital.
I find the worse I feel, especially fatigue wise, the larger the goitre gets. I’m sure it’s also having an effect on my blood pressure.
Very best of luck with treatment, I really hope you get treatment from a dr that helps you. Sorry, I don’t know anything about Candida treatment.

Thank you x

That is awful 06hollyberry. You say here, are you not in the UK? Private tests?
UK, SW, the land that time forgot

There are three conditions that I have always thought are easy diagnosis and probably wrong fibromyalgia being one plus Irritable Bowel Syndrome and ME.
I guess you can only have private tests and then armed with evidence take it further. Ignoring a goitre could be very serious. Any search for enlarged goitre will provide information.
Thanks. It was scanned, declared non cancerous and as soon as he read that the endo couldn’t get rid of me quick enough.

Could I ask please are all your thyroid tests normal and does your goitre swell up and down ? I notice at the end of the day the swelling goes down a bit for me. At least the scan was ok and the goitre was non cancerous. I was just reading some previous threads on here and one lady ate lots of iodene foods and salt gradually over 6 months hers shrunk.
Blood tests were all within range. Goitre swells and decreases. On days I’m feeling very fatigued, have a lot of aches and pains, it’s huge and feels awful. When I’ve rested, sometimes when I’ve had a good night’s sleep it’s barely noticeable.

Sorry to hear that, I am amazed you even got to an endo. I too am in the SW, off the A30 (the road to the end of nowhere). I have to say the GP surgeries here are really loathe to follow anything they don’t want to hear. Good luck.
Exactly. My GP practice now wants everyone to fill in an e consultation online, can only phone and request a call back if you’re really ill that day. I noticed last time I used e consult the reply avoided the main question I’d asked. Dr who responded and prescribed something for dry mouth has never met me. I feel like giving up at times.

It is very unlikely to be relevant to your condition but you can't tell if a thyroid is cancerous with a scan although it might tell if it was a tumour. They usually do a needle test withdrawing method and that is not full proof, followed by a biopsy if removed or part removed. Mine didn't show until half removal biopsy and then they removed the rest of the thyroid. Surely if it is a goitre, it isn't normal and is obviously being caused by something or am I being stupid?
No, neither of us are stupid, nor the huge number of people here. Endo just wasn’t interested. I think if it was cancerous I’d have other signs by now as I’ve had it several years.

Just to be clear and in case others are listening you can have a cancerous goitre without any other signs apart from probably growth. Yours is far more likely to be other thyroid conditions. So just your GP book appointments in advance say like 3 weeks, if not complain.
I don't know a lot about Candida but the first reference I see is 'Candida overgrowth is actually caused by hypothyroidism'. And yes an ultrasound of a goitre is good practice. Sounds like you need a full set of blood tests as recommended on here and see exactly what is going wrong.
Thank you. I have actually had Candida for 25 years long before anything was wrong with my thyroid. I was actually thinking it was the other way round and my long standing Candida had given rise to thyroid problems. I know auto immune thyroid has alot to do with leaky gut....but easier said than done trying to heal that!
Your body is showing an inflammatory response in the goiter and Candida . You will need to a dress YOUR toxicity levels in your blood as your organs are struggling to filter out the rubbish in your system .
Invest in a water filter and drink only clear filtered liquids to ease this over a good few days or weeks you will start to see a improvement. Drop the gluten and processed foods till immflamitory response has settled then keep a diary of what you find sets things back off . Hope this helps. Have found some wicked advice on here as well as some amazing advice too so be sure to listen to what you think may apply to you and happy healing.
Tam x

Thank you so much. I don't eat gluten no dairy no sugar or yeast. I am trying to take some milk thistle to help my liver detox. I think I made things worse trying to kill off the Candida releasing more toxins.
Your body will respond better the less toxins you injest and are circulating round your system , it will love filtered water as this will flush out the bad and leave the good . However you will need to address calcium as your body is collecting it in the wrong places due to self preservation (get me?) .
Have a good flush for a week and then come back we can't do too much at once .
Tam x

Thank you. My diet is very good very pure. Hard to not have toxins circulating when your body is full of candida but I haven't helped trying to kill it....just released more toxins and caused this horrible thing in my neck to swell more x