Due to heart pounding/skipping issues I was taken off of T3 two weeks ago and am now on 75mcg's T4 but I am now having to split my T4 doses into three, taking 25mcg's at a time, for my body to be able to tolerate it. If I take it all at once my heart starts racing again.
My pulse before taking just 25mcg's is 64bpm and within half of an hr of taking the T4 it has risen to low 70's and within an hr it can go as high as the low 90's.
Any ideas as to why my body seems to no longer tolerate the T4? Have ask GP for a trial of liquid Eltroxin as the only other option left open to me is T3 only or to self medicate on Cytomel and have my GP monitor me (Cytomel has different fillers in than our own T3) which could possible be causing the problem.
Had bloods taken yesterday and also asked the nurse to inclued magnesium to see if this is low.
ANY suggestions would be appreciated as this problem is driving me mad plus I am now very hypo but definately can not tolerate an increase up to 100mcg's.
Moggie x