I'm currently on 75mcg of levo and my t3 is only 3.7, the lowest its been but my t4 is 22.3! (TSH 2.4) I reduced dosage gradually after i went a bit hyper in October my tsh was 0.03 then and my t4 21 and t3 5.5. I just feel that now my dosage is quite low but t4 is now pooling. I have struggled for 3 years constantly adjusting levo meds and have never felt well, i'm fed up with being sick! Time for a change, i have put off trying t3 as i was a bit afraid of it but i need to try something new in order to get better. I have just ordered a kit from Genova to test my t3/rt3. Anybody already on cytomel/levo could you advise me how to introduce the cytomel, i have the 25mcg tablets on order.