Can you believe it, I went to see a neuro today as my g.p sent me because of muscle pain, stabbing, and brainfogg. I had a basic exam, testing for reflexes, or any nero problems all normal. I was then ask a series of questions about my health. He felt that antidepressents would be helpful and it could be pyscosomatic, what the hell? as all my test to date have been normal, except being hyperthyroid, constipated, excessive eating, heart problems and a history long time ago for depression and anxiety.
He referred to me seeing a phychiatrist last year who said I had health anxiety, but I put him straight with a letter and the nero reffered to his conclusion argghhhhhhh.
sorry if this dont make sence, but I am fuming, wasted appointment arghhhhh I mentioned about my high cortisol and my blood test indicating high thyroglobulin, trebbled within the last year and fluctuating T S h, my swollen left hand and sometimes ankle swelling, he wasnt interested arghhhhh
this is a sick joke and i feel Im being peanalised for going private, the nero felt that these private test look for deseases when there aint any.
I told him me being hyperthyroid would cause these smptoms and I feel I have vitamin and mineral deficiences, basically its antidepressants or nothing, Im not bloody depressed anxious maybe, how dare he refere to my past. He went on to say I have had loads of test and I told him I didnt want anymore.
I am at G.P on friday as she wants to see me in regards to my blood test as secretory felt she wanted to see me to discuss them and I couldnt have a print out until I have seen doc.
why do I have to see the doce if my test are normal( well I dont no yet) tested again for hyperthyroid.
I am fed up to the teeth with all this, please please give me a direction, I am not depressed but could easly become.
fuming fuming fuming, sorry ( tears)
what do I do now, I hope he dosent indicate its phsycosomatic, when My bloods indicate low iron, hyperthyroid, high thyroglobulin, PTH imbalance and perimenapause surely he dosent think I am diddling the results.( joking)
my bones muscles pain and its all depression.
kindest merissa
one upset p off patient who has hit a cross roads. xxxx