Not coping very well. Don't know what's wrong with Me. Get panicky and crying . Awful feeling
Feel bad: Not coping very well. Don't know what's... - Thyroid UK
Feel bad

Can you remind us of the recent adjustments you’ve made medication wise Sleepyachy? What is your current dose of Levothyroxine? Am I correct that GP recently requested you reduce Levothyroxine by 25mcg (whereas members here suggested 12.5mcg as an initial step). How long have you been taking setraline and what dose? Have you spoken with your GP re peri menopause symptoms/ had any hormone tests or been offered any HRT options?
Not being on an optimal dose of Levo, not having anti depressants at correct level and peri menopause can all cause panic and anxiety….working out what to adjust first can be tricky, but members here can offer you support and advice 🦋
Thank you for taking the time to reply. Yes had hormone bloodtest Thursday . Hopefully find out about that soon. Yes levo down to 100. From 125. 100 for sertraline. Just hard when feel so bad . Like no where to turn.
As I mentioned in your previous post, I have an adverse physical and mental reaction to adjusting thyroid medication too quickly- instead of reducing by 25mcg, perhaps 12.5mcg would have helped?
How long have you been on 100mcg Levo? When is your next blood test due?
Please remember to have earliest blood draw (before 9 am) and take Levo after this test, for highest TSH result (patient to patient tip)
Easter for the levo test. When I said to doc about the lower dose . He didn't think was a big drop.
Everyone is different- some members here are fine with 25mcg adjustment, but others (like myself) need to proceed more slowly
25mcg reduction per day is a large drop
Many of us reduce (or increase) at much smaller and slower rate
How long have you been on 100mcg now
Get bloods tested after 6- 8 weeks
He might not, but he's not taking it. I have found that I need to adjust doses in smaller amounts. Sometimes just 25mcg a week at first.
It will probably settle. Stick with it.
Well, is he hypothyroid and knows how it feels to have a big chunk of your medication just chopped off?! If he knew what he was putting patients through, he would not be so flippant about it! Especially since the drop in medication probably was not warranted in the first place?
Did you have your T4 and T3 levels measured? TSH alone is not a reliable guide to adjust thyroid medication, you need to know where T4 and T3 levels are to make an informed decision, otherwise it is a stab in the dark and will very likely leave you under-medicated.
I'm sorry that you are struggling at the moment. Please could you post your latest vitamin B12 and folate (B9) results, and whether you are taking any supplements, as I can't find any previous results. Your original full blood count showed RDW as a bit over range, so as well as the low iron that you had then I'd have been looking into B12 and folate. If not already supplementing, please don't until tested as it will skew the results and make things even harder to diagnose. You may need injections rather than oral. Meanwhile, some magnesium (perhaps the oil, on damp skin before bed) would likely help with the anxiety etc
Thank you for replying. Yes I will be glad to see what bloodtest come back with regarding both hormones and thyroid. Good point . Don't want to start taking supplements before get results.