Having a bad day today. Extremely tired. Tried to up my caffeine intake but that's not worked :(. Even took some iron tablet. Also failed. Hope everyone else is having a good day
Bad day: Having a bad day today. Extremely tired... - Thyroid UK
Bad day

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I'm sorry to read that you are having a bad day - you are not alone.
I usually try to find something positive or funny to smile about every day, on bad days like this one I find it really hard to find that little thing that makes me laugh or is a cause for celebration.
Please know that you are not alone in having a rubbish day, we all have them. I have found folks on this forum really supportive.
I hope you have a better day tomorrow.

Sorry to hear you've had a bad day! I hope tomorrow is a better one for you!
Oh, I sympathise with the bad days, I hope today is better for you.
Sorry to hear about your bad day Shaun. Most of us hypothyroid sufferers (if that's what your problem turns out to be) have them.
Regarding caffeine: I work full time, and until I recently started taking T3 to go with my T4, I often "hit the wall" about 2-3pm and had an almost irresistible urge to have a nap. If work made this impossible, I would eat a banana, a lump of dark chocolate (at least 70& cocoa solids) and a bottle of Boost (poor man's Red Bull). Sometimes this pulled me out of a hole and kept me functioning for another few hours. BUT: high caffeine energy drinks dont suit everybody! They make many people jittery and quicken your pulse in an unpleasant (and possibly dangerous way), so use with extreme caution. Also, I think of Red Bull, etc as a loan from Wonga.com, you're borrowing energy at a high interest rate, you'll have to pay it back soon, by having a couple of early nights, and if you use it every day as a crutch, you'll soon run out of steam and end up floored.
All the best