I posted here once before about feeling hyper. Only test off was my ft4, (.65-1.44) 1.5Ft3 (2-3.5)2.98. And tsh (.340-4.829) 1.79.
The ft3 is high for me, I know everyone seems to want it high but I'm more comfortable with it at 2.5 and my tsh at 2.4 ish.
I did what someone here told me and lowered the levothyroxine.
I have been on 4(137s) and 3(150s) each week for years. last aug I went to 5(137s) and 2(150s) then in Oct to 6(137s) and 1( 150)
As I changed those pills the numbers kept getting worse instead of better.
By Feb 1st I was no longer sleeping, tremors and shakes, chemical anxiety burning inside me, using bathroom multiple times each day, 2 visits to hospital with tachycardia and arrhythmia.
I have now dropped 31 pounds.
My glucose soared, never had that before and my potassium dropped off the bottom of chart( I read somewhere that can happen with hyper but don't know if it's true)
Week of feb 10th I dropped my pills to s137-m113-t113-w137-t75-f125- s137.
I then saw an endo who said my numbers were in range and ft4 not off enough to matter. He has me taking 125 Monday and Friday and 137 the other days.
I was diagnosed with graves disease in 2017, told my only choice was rai (I was ignorant and knew nothing about thyroid or graves and listened to the Dr. (1 of my life regrets) 2weeks after diagnosis I had rai. 6 weeks later I was hypo and started levothyroxine) the diagnosis came with 10 days on the cardiac ward, in afib with rvr. I responded to no drugs. Heart rate rocked 180s and every day they told me it couldn't continue to survive like that. Finally they shocked it back into rhythm.
I feel like hell, in tears every single day ( I'm not a cryer, I always give the example of how I held Mom as sho took her last breath and 1 tear leaked out. That was all.)
Many days I question if I will survive this. Medical care here is lacking.
I have had just a few changes, the tremors and shakes aren't so bad and last night I slept though I question if it was from total exhaustion.
It's been 4 months of hell. Is there anything I can do besides wait and see?
Thanks so much