Just wonder if anyone can point me in the direction of dr that is willing to prescribe hydrocortisone in relation to thyroid med intolerance?
My endo has let me down re- organising a synacthen and I don’t have a follow up until February 2026 which is infuriating and hugely unfair and I can’t get in touch with anyone. (Our brilliant NHS🙄)
I have some saliva cortisol that show low and some that show high (but for this one I was taking too much t3 and was incredibly ill, apparently if you’re severely unwell saliva cortisol can be inaccurate and register adrenaline) just what I read, not 100% sure.
I can’t wait that long so wonder if anyone can point me in the right direction please?Or is there a place to self source please?
Please DMs only!!
Thank you
A very desperate and fed up GTS