Hi everybody! I hope you can advise. I am hoping to try T3 very soon and have been reading one of Paul Robinsons books and trying to prepare. He strongly recommends having a saliva cortisol test and also an 8am morning cortisol blood test before starting T3 medication.
So I was hoping if you could let me know your thoughts on this and if you agree, I was looking at Regenerus ‘Adrenal Function 5’ saliva test, which includes 4 point cortisol and DHEA.
And for the blood cortisol 8am test, because it would be terribly difficult to get a venous blood draw at 8am, I was looking at Medichecks Cortisol home finger prick blood test. medichecks.com/products/cor...
Please could you guys advise?
(Where I’m at now- Currently waiting for results from my latest advanced thyroid function test with Medichecks. I am working on optimising all my vits/minerals as per suggested on the forum. I’m 3 years gluten free. Follow mostly paleo low carb diet. Also thinking about getting DIO2 test.)