I am 7 months pregnant and on 3 grains of Thyroid-S (2 in morning, 1 in afternoon)
The NHS doctors have finally tested my thyroid, though only TSH and T4. They have said it's low and referred me to an endocrinologist, who I am sure will try to put me on Levothyroxine.
I have gone ahead and done my own testing and would love your help because I am feeling a bit lost and pregnancy just adds to it all as I am also worried that the baby isn't getting what she needs.
Instinctively I am thinking increase by another grain in the afternoon.
What do you think?
TSH = 0.063 / Range: 0.27 - 4.2
T4 = 7.4 / Range: 12 - 22
T3 = 4.3 / Range: 3.1 - 6.8
Vit D = 112 / Range: 50 - 250
B12 = 131 / Range: 37.5 - 188
Ferritin = 31 / Range: 30-207
Thanks in advance!