HI My daughter got her thyroid checked they did her t4 and tsh level but it doesn't look like her t3 was done. They also checked her anti bodies. The surgery said her results where in the normal range. I asked for a print out as all her syptoms scream out under active thyroid or Hashimoto's. By looking at the print out it looks to me as if she is in range but nearly at the low side (she is only 9 and these tests are based on a adult) and her anti bodies look high but I am not a expert.
the results
"Se thyroid peroxidase Ab conc" 14 IU/mL (< 18)
"serum free T4 Level 12.8 pmol/L (12.5 - 21.5)
"serum TSH level" 1.45 mU/L ( 0.6 - 4.84)
it also said that the reference range was for thyroid function in pregnancy which I thought was strange.