Hi All,
I've been struggling with debilitating symptoms for about 2 years now.
I left my NDT dose at 2.5 grains, but I did split it instead of taking it all in one go (1.75 and 0.75). I started adding t3 in Thybon. Somewhere around 20-25 mcg t3 added on after almost a year, my blood glucose is finally in range, my iron improved massively from 39 to 114 (50-180), so did my ferritin. Other anemic markers in fbc all great.
I feel like I'm heading mostly t3 or t3 only. Still have symptoms.
Has anybody experienced anything like that?
Taking Armour 2.5 grains at once with 2.5 t3 or 6.25 t4 never helped me, I struggled with anemia, high blood sugar..