Thyroid Depressed: The last batch 23T01007 of... - Thyroid UK

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Thyroid Depressed

Easylover profile image
33 Replies

The last batch 23T01007 of Thyroid-S was either bad , destroyed by the heat ,or both. The lid never fit properly. There was a piece of bubble wrap in the bottle which i found odd. The pills were hard as pebbles and it didn't work right. I felt I went from hpo to hyper thyroid trying to get the dose correct. I feel like living hell, slept 10 hrs did nothing yesterday but drag around. I ordered a new batch and the guy would NOT agree to wrap the bottle properly to protect it and canceled my order. Ticked me off! Maybe he did me a favor but he also knew he charged the least. It's a real disappointment. If I had proper care, I'd try T3/ T4 therapy. I don't know anymore, tired of fighting the fight!

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Easylover profile image
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33 Replies
Sunflower64 profile image

Really sad to hear it. Thyroid-S worked great when I took it (2014-2017). Not sure what happened to it, but certainly glad I did not buy it again after the price went up. There have been so many reports about it being bad in recent years. A real shame. Thank you for posting as I am sure many are interested in updates.

Rapunzel profile image

This is so disappointing and I Understand your frustration. This may help: helvella keeps a wonderful blog which may help confirm your concerns. Thyroid S Batches

A summary of known and suspected potency of Sriprasit Pharma Thyroid S batches.

Regularly updated so please check the blog directly.

And if you have any more information, or corrections, etc., please let me know. I am entirely dependent on your experiences.

Easylover profile image
Easylover in reply to Rapunzel

Thank you. I actual sent him a copy of it when i first received the bottle months ago because he insisted that batches don't fluctuate but they do. It's all about money for him. I'll see if this batch number is on it later. I appreciate your concern. Thanks again. ☺

Rapunzel profile image
Rapunzel in reply to Easylover

You should let admin have your seller's details, so that at least, further thyroidies can't be caught out by his mendacity. Thyroid S batches do vary, as you can see from helvella's list, so he's talking out of his bum.

Easylover profile image
Easylover in reply to Rapunzel

Thanks ☺

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to Rapunzel

 richar03 not sure where this ' nudge ' lands in this post but see reply from Rapunzel as it details the actual Helvella link to the Thyroid S batches I mentioned in my reply to you earlier.

2 posts up the page !!

Framboise profile image

This is depressing to read. I have taken Thyroid-S since 2014, so far without problems - but I didn't have any of the really problematic ones manufactured in 2022. Of the 2023 batches, I've taken 23T01002 and am now taking 23T01004, both of which have been fine although I reduced 23T01002 every 5th and 6th day - 3.25 grains for four days then two days of 3 grains and so on.

There is usually is a small piece of bubble wrap in the bottle and the tablets are usually quite hard, at least when you first start a bottle. The lids though should arrive properly closed, although I've noticed lately that they are more difficult to put back on.

Doing a quick search here I found that 3 months ago a poster had to reduce her dose of 23T01007 as it was very strong.

Please would you let me know how long you've been taking Thyroid-S and what your last batch numbers were? It seems that you buy from a third party seller, so please would you also let admin know who he is, but don't post the details on here. Also please will tell helvella about this batch on the link which Rapunzel has posted, thanks.

Easylover profile image
Easylover in reply to Framboise

The batch you mentioned being too strong is the one I found too weak and sometimes normal I guess. I give up. I don't know how to tell helvella on that link. I'm exhausted. I've taken Thyroid-S on and off for 17 yrs? Nothing works right for me anymore. I wish you'd PM me about your supplier. Thanks. Im in the US. Where are you? And thank for shedding light on the matter. I appreciate it.

Framboise profile image
Framboise in reply to Easylover

It just doesn't make much sense does it! If you go to any post by helvella, or click on his name in the list of moderators at the top of the page, you'll come to his profile and can then send him a private message describing your experience with that batch of Thyroid-S. His chart is a useful list of reactions, or not, to recent batches. There have been queries in the past about the potency of Thyroid-S, but in the past couple of years there have been far more! I have sent you a PM.

IdahoMountainGirl profile image
IdahoMountainGirl in reply to Framboise

I would like to know your supplier also. I am also in the US. Thank you.

healthkiwi profile image

I understand WHY this forum is not able to allow open comments about suppliers. But a side effect is that people are blaming the product itself, rather than wondering about where they get their supplies from, and the conditions their supplier keeps it in.Thyroid medication has to be stored properly. It does not like heat, light, moisture. It has to be kept airtight and protected until use.

Commercial pharmaceutical producers ensure their product reaches proper quality when made (subject to the permissible fluctuations in active content, which more sensitive users may feel). But once it's out on the market and being onsold to you by many different suppliers, you don't know what conditions any particular batch has been kept in before it is finally dispatched to you.

While it is very useful to have batch information openly available, the original batch itself is far less likely to be the problem than the supplier.

Brightness14 profile image
Brightness14 in reply to healthkiwi

I buy directly from the Manufacturers. The bottles are stored perfectly too they just don't work or look the same.

healthkiwi profile image
healthkiwi in reply to Brightness14

I agree that since it returned to the market in around 2021, Thyroid-S seems to have been manufactured differently, so maybe that in itself affects absorbancy in the body. But since no other Thai/Asian manufacturer, like Thiroyd, returned to the market after the regulatory changes, it's all we've got. (It reminds me of the changes in Cadbury chocolate after the company was sold and manufacturing is now offshore. The stuff is now inedible 😖)

As it's composed of natural material, there's going to be some fluctuation, which is permitted within limits. But unless you know your source of supply, what you buy is more likely to be at risk from poor handling, or even actual fakes.

Brightness14 profile image
Brightness14 in reply to healthkiwi

I agree but having no thyroid is a bit different from having to go without chocolate.

The USP should be about the same but it's made now in a different factory and many people can't get on with it.

It could be that I need an increase to 3 or more from 2.25 who knows it's worth a try.

healthkiwi profile image
healthkiwi in reply to Brightness14

Before the Thai thyroids disappeared I was on between 2- 2.5 grains. Then those horrible years of trying all sorts of alternatives, and being very symptomatic - many of us were desperate. Since the new Thyroid-S came, I'm now on 3 grains. Don't know whether that would have happened anyway because of ageing , or whether it's the new version. That period of non availability caused so much stress and worry around the world. I'm so grateful at least Thyroid-S is back, even if not perfect.

Wishing you well. Good luck.

P.S agree about chocolate vs thyroid meds, but after a lifetime of providing guilty pleasure Cadbury's is off the list. Seriously I don't think most of us who are not involved in manufacturing can comprehend how a change in 'making' can affect the 'recipe' so much.

Brightness14 profile image
Brightness14 in reply to healthkiwi

I agree about the manufacturing, sad but so true. We are just the consumers.

I still eat chocolate but a dark one just one square with my evening coffee. My cousin who was always trying to cook once made a cake with no sugar for us to try, bad.

We realised much later on that she had hyperthyroidism. She was very jittery and slim too but nobody knew why. Several car shunts with her own tree. This was years ago and her GP never bothered with her, sad.

Easylover profile image
Easylover in reply to healthkiwi

Honestly. Amen. Praise God for thyroid-s even if it's not perfect! Thank you for your post.

IdahoMountainGirl profile image
IdahoMountainGirl in reply to healthkiwi

I took Thiroyd for many years with no problems whatsoever. That was a very good product.

Easylover profile image
Easylover in reply to Brightness14

How do you order from the manufacturer? Please message me on chat. Thanks again.

Easylover profile image
Easylover in reply to healthkiwi

I agree because think it was the heat. Thanks.

Brightness14 profile image

I am the same on 1004 batch also 22 batches. I have been ill now for two years. Back in 2015 I had my thyroid removed but it was still working perfectly. I was 68 years old and never had previous thyroid issues. Anyway I was put onto Levo for the first time 100 but after six months or so I never felt quite the same as before the TT>

I then joined this site and purchased Thyroid s which I took and was very well until the 22 batches which were hard coated and have never worked. This batch 1004 is the same and doesn't work. I have no gut issues or hashimotos either.

I knew back in 2022 that I was ill and started to fall over. I took a blood test after being on the new type Thyroid s efter only 44 days and my FT3 was only 2.76 down from 6.06 before. I then went back onto the old ones for 10 days these then ran out but I started to feel well again in such a short time. I used to take 2.25 for years before that 2.5 grains split.

I am now taking Levo plus T3 but it's not easy.

You are right I noticed straight away that these were different when I went to cut them.

Sorry for the long post.

Easylover profile image
Easylover in reply to Brightness14

Thank you for your post. It wasn't long. I appreciate your input

Framboise profile image
Framboise in reply to Brightness14

Hi Brightness, you mean you didn't do well on batch 23T01004? I started it some weeks ago and am fine on it. Prior to that I was taking 23T01002. I managed to get two bottles of that eventually, one of them from someone who had had a bad reaction to it, and I also did well on that. I don't understand why we are all reacting so differently to the same batches, especially as usually I can't take most normal prescription meds without bad reactions. Take care!

Brightness14 profile image
Brightness14 in reply to Framboise

Thanks for that. I don't have any gut problems at all and can take and eat anything no Hasimotos. However, I don 't have a thyroid. I had tried the 1004 ones for over five weeks and they never worked it has left me not leaving the house at all now.

I don't have bad reactions, they just don't work anymore, weird. I can take T3 and Levo any make so I will have to try that again. The Levo takes so long to work and without a thyroid I can't live that long with no T3.

Anyway I am pleased that you are doing well. Back to the drawing board for me now.

Good to hear from you. Tc PS I have found a site in Germany for Thybon Henning which appears to sell T3 100 tablets for around 5 euros. I think it's with a prescription and as I live in France I may give it a try.


serenfach profile image

I get the same NDT as the one you mention. I decant it into a bottle with a snap lid. Every new batch I take for around a month and then have a blood test to see it is my brain thinking "I am not right" but blaming the pills and not my body. The blood tests nearly always prove the pills are working. I have forgotten what it is like to feel truly well, just grateful to be still this side of the soil!

I feel for you - the battle is continuous and debilitating. The ignorance of the medical profession here in GB is scary and it seems my health is totally up to me. This is why I find this forum so important.

Get a full blood test which includes vitamins, iron etc and see if there is a shortage somewhere. Meanwhile sending a hug.

Easylover profile image
Easylover in reply to serenfach

Hugs to you too!

KathFrances profile image

I'm on Thyoid S batch number 23T01008. I haven't noticed anything wrong with it, but I've only recently started it. Has anyone heard anything either good or bad about this batch? Thanks.

Easylover profile image
Easylover in reply to KathFrances

I dont know.

mintgreenish profile image
mintgreenish in reply to KathFrances

Hi Kathfrancis. Read mindfulmoments posts. She is taking that batch. I will start that same batch within a week. Fingers crossed.

Easylover profile image
Easylover in reply to KathFrances

You could start a new Post with that batch #. Please will answer. I love this group.

Easylover profile image
Easylover in reply to KathFrances

I couldn't find mindfulmomentspost! Please don't get scammed. I have by a so called member of this community...go thru administration. Same to mintgreenish.

ThyroidThora profile image


I’m really sorry to hear of your problems. Have you tried Armour thyroid? I’m on that and I find it works fine for me, although I would prefer a higher dose but my endocrinologist will not increase the dose. However, I’m grateful he has managed to get it for me because synthetics make me feel so suicidal because I’m very, very ill on them.


Easylover profile image
Easylover in reply to ThyroidThora

Oh, thanks for the tip.

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