Hi there - here are my latest bloods - done fasting with no meds and before 9am - last dose of levo 24 hours before - last dose T3 12 hours before
I've worked hard at improving vitamins and minerals - still ferritin is a bit low but currently on a dose of iron tabs from GP so may improve by the end of that
Gluten free diet + non meat eater - do eat fish
Poor converter - DIO2 polymorphism
T4 is good and T3 middling - Current dose T4 alternate days of 150 and 175 -Current T3 20mcg morning and 10mcg late afternoon
Symptoms improved - ringing in ears much less although low mood and brain fog persist
Seeing private endo this week and wondering whether to ask for T4 to be increased to 175 every day
I'd be grateful for any thoughts