Just a heads up folks, this is going to be a long post!
I have been off thyroxine for just over a year now, I will attempt to explain in a long winded way how this came about. I was put on thyroxine when I went into menopause which happened before I was 50 (I am now 62). I have always been on 50mg, this has never changed, always told 'within range'. I don't even really understand about the thyroid. You guys know so much. When you talk about something simple like T3 and T4 it goes straight over my head. Anyhow I have complained on this site before that I seemed to be ok when I found a brand of tablet that suited me & tried to stick with it like many of you have complained about particularly Teva because of the Mannitol content. My problem (or so I thought) was when they rebranded then I started with the problems I have now, namely numb feet (just the top of the foot down to just below big toe joint) and discomfort in the hip area. My last experience of rebranding was I had been absolutely fine on Actavis, no symptoms then they rebranded as Accord and the same symptoms started again. The first time this happened which is a good few years ago, I ended up having a disagreement with a pharmacist about my numb feet, he told me I should get checked for diabetes (which I had been).
In November of last year I started with a red non-itchy rash which became quite extensive right across my abdomen & it didn't seem to be going away. I had been on the newly rebranded Accord tablets for quite a while because there didn't seem to be any alternatives (had already had experience with Mercury Pharma, Teva & Wockhardt) so I was just putting up with the symptoms. However when the rash appeared I decided to make an appointment at my surgery. I saw a 'nurse practitioner' (you never get to see a doctor at our £7 million newly built surgery) . She said she was usually quite good on diagnosing rashes/skin conditions. However mine flummoxed her & she brought in a GP for a second opinion (the first one I'd seen in 3 years). He also seemed nonplussed. I happened to mention the rebranding of my thyroid tablet wondering if the rash was an allergic reaction. Told him of the problems I'd had before with rebranding & I got a wry little look from him like I'd just dropped off another planet. He then suggested 'why don't you try coming off it'. He said because I was put on it at the time of my menopause that my hormones would have been all over the place anyway and I might not have needed to have been put on it in the first place. Then he started on my water tablet. 'Why don't you come off that, all they do is make you pee'. It felt like they were on a mission to cut patient's meds. My husband had the same experience with his pain meds with another GP. I said I would try coming off the thyroxine after asking the GP twice if it was safe for me to do so. The nurse immediately removed it from my medication details. Anyway to try to cut a very long story short, the nurse arranged for me to see a physiotherapist for my numb feet & a dermatologist for my rash. Both were private companies, no more NHS. The physiotherapist performed quite a lot of reflex tests. Everything was ok as I thought it would be (my feet are not totally numb I still have feeling in them). She sent me for a nerve conductivity test to rule anything out - this also turned out to be ok. Surgery never got back to me on that one. I went for my dematology appointment. They said they would need to take a skin biopsy to determine what the rash was. The diagnosis finally came back and it was Granuloma Annaulare. I have read up on this, the condition can last for up to 2 years and it has been suggested that it can be linked to diabetes & thyriod problems. I was prescribed Betnovate cream which I have to say has done a good job of clearing up a lot of the rash (it did end up spreading to wrist, elbows & behind knee creases, right down the front of both shins and at the base of my neck. Well the outcome is I still have numb feet. Just had another annual health check, no mention of thyroid just raised liver function reading (was told a while ago I have non-alcoholic liver disease & was sent for an ultrasound). So because I still have numb feet after coming off thyroxine, I don't know which way is up anymore. Would appreciate anyone's help/suggestions. I will try and post my full results from my annual test. I require the help of hubby to do this as I'm a technophobe when it comes to stuff like that. So it will either be this evening or tomorrow. Apologies again for such a LLLLLLONG post.