Hya everyone,
This is on behalf of my brother. He is on 100 mcg thyroxine and his last tsh was about 6 ( from memory ). He is on the journey of titrating up to his optimal dose and has another couple of weeks to go before an increase. He is feeling awful. Tired, irritable, anxious. We've checked iron, vit b12, d etc and they are good.
He has asked his gp to send him to an Endo but she refused. He was going to go private but has put that off for now. He wants to try a little t3 to see if that improves things but his gp was resistant last time he approached the subject. He does not feel any benefit of the 100 mcg thyroxine and feels much worse now then before he started thyroxine.
He has always been quite slim and since being on the thyroxine has put on weight and is looking quite chubby.
He is self employed and struggling to keep his business going. He is worried that it is all going to crumble.
Does anyone know how he could persuade his gp to add in some t3 or would he have to see an Endo?
Thanks in advance
Carolineanne x