Hi again kind people,
Further to my last posts-I reduced Levo from 125ug to -100ug from 12/01/24 on Endo’s advice ( previous results as below ,he said ,still showed overmedication)
TSH 0.02 (0.27-4.3)
FT4 4.2 ( 3.1- 6.8)
FT4 21.9 (12.00-22.00)
My latest blood results taken on 22/02/24 (taken at 9am, fasting, no levo for 24 hrs) :
TSH 0.36
FT4 19.5
FT3 3.9
Folate 14.5 ug/L
Ferritin 45.9 ug/L
B12 908 ng/L marked as high
( Ranges not given )
Vitamin D not checked but I supplement this
I have to get Full blood count repeated in 1 month according to the receptionist??
I suspect I have poor T4 to T3 conversion from these results.
My symptoms now are mainly lack of stamina, bad fatigue, permanently freezing cold, anxiety, low mood, swollen ankles and fingers, muscle pain and weakness. (Sleep improving slightly 6 hrs per night usually interrupted)
I am STILL plagued by difficulty swallowing , pressure in neck area, sore ears even though scan showed thyroid had no enlargement/nodules?? GP says these symptoms are related to acid reflux and has increased Omeprazole to 40mg per day.
I have been gluten free nearly 1 month.
I am seeing Endo again next week , praying he will agree to reintroduce T3 ??
All advice gratefully received!
Many thanks in advance !