Hi everyone,
I finally after having Hashis for over 30 years found a great dr when I moved, who is willing to work with me and disregard TSH. She took me off my previous combo of 100 mcg synthroid and 5 mcg cytomel and started me on120 mcg of NP Thyroid back in October. It was a great help and my numbers looked better but she wanted my T3 up above the midrange, so in mid December she added 10 mcg of compounded T3. The first week I felt a little wired and then nothing. I just got my blood test results back and my t3 is the EXACT same. I don't understand, how can I add T3 and it does nothing? Can someone please help me? Why is my body not raising my levels? My reverse t3 went down and my antibodies so that should have raised it up too and it didn't. I am completely confused and would love to hear your opinions. Thank you!
Labs 12/6 (only on 120 NP Thyroid) Labs 2/16
Free T3 3.1 (2-4.4) 3.1
Free t4 1.28 (.82-1.77) 1.22
TSH .010 (.45-4.5) .009
Reverse t3 24.8 (9.2-24.1) 14.5
TPO 77 (0-34) 58