Hello.This is a follow up on a previous question. I did the baking soda test this morning to see if I had low stomach acid. I didn't belch at all so I guess that could suggest that I'm low !! I thought I would try some Betaine HCI with pepsin as that is quite often recommended.
I asked my naturopath to recommend one but she suggested that I eat more mindfully ( chewing my food slowly, eating at a table etc ) but I've tried that and it's made no difference. She then said we could try digestive bitters or enzymes but I've also tried many in the past.
Can anyone advice what I could do for low stomach acid ? I've tried ACV but can't get on with it. I'm tempted to try the betaine hcl maybe with some Yarrow bitters and see how I get on. I do usually follow my naturopath's advice but she's not the one who's suffering so the softly softly approach isn't appealing to me.
Thanking you in advance ☺️