Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum. I've been having acid reflux since April and I've lost over two stone in weight. I'm eating all the time as I'm hungry, but not putting on the weight. I did the bicarbonate of soda test and never burped, so suspect low stomach acid. I was taking ranitidine, but stopped them as they gave me diarrhoea, but the symptoms have got far worse since stopping. I'm now taking apple cider vinegar, only started last week, how long before I can see some results? Also taking manuka honey daily. Thanks in advance for any advice. Julie. π P. S. Dr's want to put me on lansoprazole, but I think that will make it worse.
Advice please on low stomach acid. : Hi everyone... - Thyroid UK
Advice please on low stomach acid.

You need full thyroid and vitamin blood tests also coeliac blood test
For full Thyroid evaluation you need TSH, FT4, FT3 plus TPO and TG thyroid antibodies and also very important to test vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12
Private tests are available. Thousands on here forced to do this as NHS often refuses to test FT3 or antibodies
Medichecks Thyroid plus ultra vitamin or Blue Horizon Thyroid plus eleven are the most popular choice. DIY finger prick test or option to pay extra for private blood draw. Both companies often have money off offers.
All thyroid tests should ideally be done as early as possible in morning and fasting. This gives highest TSH, lowest FT4 and most consistent results. (Patient to patient tip, GP will be unaware)
If antibodies are high this is Hashimoto's, (also known by medics here in UK more commonly as autoimmune thyroid disease).
About 90% of all hypothyroidism in Uk is due to Hashimoto's. Low vitamins are especially common with Hashimoto's. Food intolerances are very common too, especially gluten. So it's important to get TPO and TG thyroid antibodies tested at least once .
Link about thyroid blood tests
Link about antibodies and Hashimoto's
List of hypothyroid symptoms
Dr's have done thyroid tests, all came back OK. Thank you for all the information, I will ask again at my next appointment. π

So what were those OK results ? if they are in range then your Doc will declare them OK - but it is where you are in the range that is KEY
Dr's just said thyroid was OK. Not even border line. So we are doing tests for other causes.

I appreciate you have just joined - and I remember going through a learning curve when I joined almost seven years ago π When Docs say OK - they mean in range - but is WHERE you are in the range that is key. Your TSH is good at 2 or under and both FT 4 & FT3 need to be in the upper part of the range. Anti-bodies also need testing - TPO & TG to rule out Hashimotos. Have you been tested for Graves - over active thyroid ?
You are legally entitled to have copies of all your results so you can monitor your progress and see what has been missed - yes it happens 1

Have you been tested for PA ?
What's pa?

Pernicious Anaemia ... it is when anti-bodies attack the parietal cells that line the stomach and secrete Intrinsic Factor - and as a consequence lower the ability for B12 molecules to be drawn out from the proteins in the stomach for the onward journey ...
OK I'll keep that in mind to ask the gastroenterology next week, thanks.

i would do your research first - as Docs know so little about the things that matter. For example - I had gut TB at 27 and after 6 months in hospital and several surgical interventions I was left without a Terminal Ileum - where B12 is absorbed and metabolised and returned to the liver. Did any Gastro-Enterologist over 30 years of six-monthly check-ups ever suggest I needed B12 - sadly not. And so I live with the consequences. I now self-inject weekly - sometimes twice a week according to my needs. I am now 72 and take care of myself - so do not dismiss the advice so freely given on this Forum - it is the quickest route to wellness
Hello Fleaflea1! Reading your post, and your vivid description of your painful symptoms, I feel prompted to ask whether other possible causes have been investigated? I don't know very much about stomach problems but a good friend who had the same symptoms and is not hypo discovered after tests that she had h,pylori. Treated with antibiotics, she made a full recovery. This may not be relevant to you but eating lots and losing weight rang an alarm bell for me. I hope you find a real solution, and fast! xx
Thanks for your message, have been tested for h. Pylori, not that. I have hospital appointment next week with the gastroenterology department, so hoping to get an answer soon. π
Have you had endoscopy?
Always get actual results and ranges of all thyroid and vitamin tests
Most GP's just test TSH and FT4....which is inadequate
Essential to test both TPO and TG thyroid antibodies and vitamins
I've had endoscopy done, all fine. I had thyroid function test done at A&E last weekend, will ring Dr's tomorrow for the results. Thank you. Also got appointment with the gastroenterology department next week, so hopefully I'll get some answers.

Ah, good. I thought you probably had been tested for all sorts and you have. Your symptoms sound awful and I really feel for you xx
You suspect low stomach acid.I am in the same position .Saw doc a month ago and was given a PPI which helped a good deal ,but I also did the bicarb test and did not burp. Had three nights in a chair as cannot lie down without discomfort.. Seeing doc today in hope of further investigation. Do not want PPI if cause low acid.
Hi Treepie, yep, same as you. It might help you to raise your bed up on 6" blocks (head end) helps me sleep better with acid reflux. Yeah I really don't want to go on ppi's, even though Dr's have given me lansoprazole. I've read loads on ppi's that they can make it worse if you have low stomach acid already. Let me know how you get on at the Dr's. I'm trying apple cider vinegar for now. π

Trainee GP ," we don't bother with low acid, high acid is a concern."
Will discuss with his trainer. Yes Lansoprazole which I have to say did help if not 100%. I was hoping to find out if high or low by a referral- no such luck. As well as the PPI been given Buscopan to try.
I have a reclining chair which independently lifts the footrest and lowers the back so I can get a reasonable night's sleep.
Been trying Betaine HCL and peppermint but not working so maybe it is high acid. Just wish I could be sure.
Low acidity is as much a concern as high acidity. Keep pushing for answers, hope you find a solution soon. π
Have you had an ultrasound? My reflux was caused by gallstones.
Hi faeriesue, I'm waiting for an appointment for a ct scan of stomach at the moment, should hear back in few weeks time. Thanks for that. π

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