I’ve spent an annoying few weeks feeling dizzy, falling over, being sick and slurring my speech, feeling confused. No fuel in tank at all. BP spiking inexplicably. Still trying to get this sorted out at Primary Care Level as waiting list in secondary care in NW England is longer than my life expectancy. I kid you not.
Had bloods done in ED last week when I fell over on the prom and was presumed drunk in charge of an ice cream. Declared sober and and returned to care of GP while awaiting for neuro appt at local private hospital.
I would have bet my last penny that my thyroid levels were ‘off’. GP has just phoned to give me blood results and my thyroid levels were good - as usual. Had been off biotin for two weeks when these bloods were done. Everything else ok but B12 twice over normal range, Folate over range, magnesium twice over range. Just amazed they did magnesium.
Do you take supplements? Yes. Just the usual ‘B’ complex (Thorne’s Multi B. Just 1 tablet), magnesium (400 mg) vitamin D. She tells me to stop all supplements until further notice. She doesn’t think the supps have anything to do with the problem but I don’t need them, except the Vit D.
Husband is euphoric. He’s always been of the view that I take too much ‘stuff’. Supps now in bin. Husband smiling.
My vitamin B12 was 345 pg/ml last November so decided to take the Thorne B ‘complex - 400 mg a day. I’m struggling to understand how my result now shows 1800 pg/ml. This is quite an increase in 6 months - especially considering I am at risk for low B12 as I take PPIs, antidepressants and an opioid.
I am struggling to understand this. In fact, I’m struggling to understand everything at the moment, such is the level of my cognitive deficit and confusion.