My doctor’s surgery messaged that I was due for my annual medication review and arranged an appointment for a blood test. I went yesterday and after the blood was drawn I asked to see the test request form. I expected to see a number of tests including TSH and T4 as they don’t generally test for T3. To my surprise only the TSH test was requested.
Is testing only the TSH the new normal?
My mental image of the NHS thyroid treatment protocols - as normally applied by doctors and pharmacists apart from, and in ignorance of, some more recent research - is of a person stuck in the mud. If TSH only testing is part of a new protocol the person would now be up to their knees and slowly sinking. And turning to stone, taking us back into a thyroid treatment Stone Age.
I expect to be having an Alice in Wonderland conversation with the pharmacist soon.
Any comments or similar experiences?