Looking for T2 & Thyroid granulars to supplemen... - Thyroid UK

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Looking for T2 & Thyroid granulars to supplement my meds.

Quasarlis profile image
16 Replies

Been watching Dr Westin Childs on YouTube for a couple of years now and I think he is great, from what I have learned since being in here and watching him has helped me a lot!! Now he recommends a combination of medications as to get a ‘full range’ of Thyroid ‘Goodness’ for the want of another term … Most of us get Levo stuffed down our necks and kicked out the door, others like me source our own T3 … Dr Childs recommends a combination of T2, T3, T4 (Optional), Thyroid granulars (WITHOUT any thyroid hormones in it) & Iodine … Now although my blood tests show ‘In normal range’ I’m not doing too good atm with my current med combination … So I’d like to give the addition of the T2, Granulars & Iodine a go and see how I get on. Does anyone know if you can get T2 hormone and thyroid granulars in the U.K. anywhere?? Been looking but I can’t find any, it’s a non-prescription, over the counter medication in the US apparently … So if anyone knows where I can source some I’d be very grateful .. All I keep finding are these silly body building con bottles with ‘T3’ all over them and all they are is a load of rubbish in a capsule!! Have no thyroid hormones in them what so ever!!! 😡😡

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Quasarlis profile image
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16 Replies
Lalatoot profile image

healthunlocked.com/thyroidu... has been discussed here.

tattybogle profile image

Re. the Iodine .... this: healthunlocked.com/thyroidu... iodine-a-collection-of-useful-information-because-the-search-facility-on-health-unlocked-is-totally-pants

Alanna012 profile image

Is Westin suggesting you take glandulars along with conventional thyroid meds?

I can't say I had a proper trial, however I tried a T2 supplement recently, (but not Westin's). I ordered from America it had about 75mcg of T2 and it took about 9 days to arrive. As an experiment it is definitely worth trying for yourself.

Personally though, I only took the one capsule, as immediately it felt like it rendered the T3 I had taken earlier impotent. I felt very cold and the effect was quite drastic and sudden.

It DID certainly give me energy - I kept going all day and the next. But unfortunately it didn't feel like a natural innate energy - sort of more like the energy that keeps you awake at night, which it did, and it I didn't feel inspired to take more, despite having Fibromyalgia and being desperately lacking in energy at the time. I felt it would just be accumulative and keep me going and going with no way to 'come down'. It then took several days for the T3 I am taking to feel like it was working again.

I think the capsule dose was far too high for me and I could get along with say 25mcg max or less a day. I would try it again at that dose. However, I wasn't able to find a supplement with a small dose. Westin Child's supplement has 100mcg, I believe.

As I said, just like with all meds glandulars etc... it is worth trying as it may be the thing that helps you. I have heard many favourable experiences, and it does increase your energy/stamina (maybe).

Quasarlis profile image
Quasarlis in reply to Alanna012

Yes, Westin basically said you can use them all in conjunction (sort of like a personally tuned in NDT) .. He did however make it clear that the Grandulars MUST BE free of any of the thyroid hormones (T1-T4) .. It’s more about getting the benefits of the other constituents of the thyroid tissue itself … Once again though he did say that you’ll have to tweak the dosages of it all to get the benefits.

Alanna012 profile image
Alanna012 in reply to Quasarlis

Ahh I see. It sort of makes sense. There are many people who say they feel something is missing on just a T4/T3 combo so by adding in extras like glandular, T2 etc it might supply that extra element needed to feel more 'normal'

Quasarlis profile image
Quasarlis in reply to Alanna012

Yes indeed, I certainly feel that something is missing and I do still get symptoms .. I take 100mg Levo & 75mg T3 (Tiromel) and my blood tests come back all nicely in range and stable .. BUT as said I still have bad days (4 out of 7 most weeks) when I feel like I have just been dug up and can’t function (We all know the feeling .. You walk up one flight of stairs and your body feels like you ran a 2.5min mile and the only thing missing is the gasping for breath!!) I eat pretty healthily, don’t drink myself half to death 3 nights a week etc. So want to give these additional things a go and see how I feel. Dr Westin seems to know what he’s talking about, his advice has helped me before so I’ll give it a go.

smilingjane profile image
smilingjane in reply to Quasarlis

Hi QuasalisWondering how you are getting on in Westin Childs combo? I am thinking of trying one of his 'bundles' because my cortisol is perm' low.

Quasarlis profile image
Quasarlis in reply to smilingjane

I haven’t tried them yet Jane … Was hoping to find some T2 in the U.K. …

smilingjane profile image
smilingjane in reply to Quasarlis

Ahh, didnt realise he wasn't the UK.Good luck :)

diogenes profile image

Don't think taking T2 has any real benefit. It's made from T3 in the body amply enough to satisfy cellular needs. Iodine is also questionable if you are taking T3 and T4 together. You can get nasty side effects this way.

Quasarlis profile image
Quasarlis in reply to diogenes

I respect your opinion but I have followed Dr Child’s for a long time and followed some of his advice and it has been 100% sound and helped me a lot … So I’m more than willing to try what he suggests to see if it helps, if it doesn’t then at least I have tried it for myself. I have awful T4 -T3 conversion and tend to convert into RT3, I have to self medicate on T3 that I have to source myself, Levo by itself makes my condition worse by it being converted into RT3 as mentioned above, saturating my blood, stopping the uptake of the useful T3 .. My GP (Like most of everyone else’s on here) made it worse by lying about T3 and pumping me full of T4 .. I was on 250mg a day and still feeling like crap! Got myself a full thyroid test from blue horizons and it showed I had highly elevated/out of range T4, High out of range TSH, very low T3, and Hashimoto’s anti bodies that were through the roof!! GP was just throwing T4 at the problem in the attempt to bring down my TSH causing me to convert into more RT3 (and leaving a high amount of excess T4 in my blood) that blocked the uptake of T3 raising my TSH … That spiral made me worse … So going by what Dr Child’s says I’d like to give it all a go as he DOES know what he’s talking about and I think we can trust him FAR FAR more than any useless, careless GP who couldn’t care less how you feel.

diogenes profile image

I'm not sure an ex-osteopath has a good basic knowledge of thyroid matters. He also sells a lot of stuff Iwhich I really do not believe helps thyroid problems. Patients may indeed feel better, but this could as easily be a placebo effect as not. There's no formal proof that what he advocates actually works.

Lulu2red profile image

I have purchased T2 from Dr Childs, 3 months worth. I've only been taking for a few days but I have noticed I can go up and down the stairs without being so exhausted. My partner noticed it too. Anyway time will tell. I've been ill for over 20 years but my blood tests are in range! But at a cellular level I am still severely hypothyroid. I take 50 mg T4 , T3 55mg and now 100mg T2. My T4 is at the bottom of the range but it's been at the top in the middle over the year's and always felt like crap. I have the DI02 gene so don't convert well. I have dropped T4 altogether before and felt no difference. I only take it to keep my NHS Endocrinologist happy. I don't want to lose my NHS T3 prescription. Not sure I will tell him about T2 he will have a hissy fit. I wouldn't take iodine, Dr Childs say's it's very rare we are low in it. I had to take Amiodorone for my AFib and the iodine caused my thyroid levels to bottom out. So I would steer clear of supplements with iodine. My Cardiologist is ok with me trying T2 so we will have to wait and see. Research shows T2 is not inert. It's possible if I don't convert T4 to T3 well, I don't convert T3 to T2 well. The proof is in the pudding, placebo effect or otherwise. Conventional medicine hasn't got the answers and I've been lied to by Endocrinologists and GPs it's hard to know who to trust. I think it's pretty obvious we need the full spectrum of thyroid hormones when our thyroid is no longer functioning. I have primary hypothyroidism but in truth at one point I was in Myxoedema. The T3 has definitely reduced the mucin in my face, legs and elsewhere. Thank God for that at least. I am praying this T2 is the missing link. Nothing ventured nothing gained but I would suggest only adding one thing at a time and wait 3 months. I won't buy more if this is a fluke.

sparkly profile image
sparkly in reply to Lulu2red

Hi Lulu, I've just been reading about 3,5-t2 so came to see in here what's been said about it.I'd really be interested on how you get on. I read your bio and we could be twins.

I've recently posted on the forum a few times as I am not getting any symptom relief from t3, never have in 8 years only serves as a stimulant for me. If don't take t3 I'm bedridden or at best stuck on sofa all day.

I hope things continue to improve for you🙂

Lulu2red profile image

Hi Sparkly, of course I would be happy to keep you updated. I have noticed my low back ache is easier and my bone and muscle aches are not as bad but that might be down to the warmer weather. I have been recommended to a private Endocrinologist in Harley Street but want to use up this supply of T2 before I do. No point in the middle of an experiment. I can't afford to continue on the private health route for very long but I have just got to a point in my life where I will try anything. I was fantasising about maybe being a grandmother one day and helping out with the childcare. My son told me thanks mum but you are not healthy enough to be looking after a baby! He is right of course. I should have taped him and played it to my stupid NHS Endocrinologist who frankly thinks I am a Malingerer since my blood results are in the normal range. This horrid disease has stolen my prime year's but I am determined it won't take my twilight day's. Stay strong Sparkly 🙏🙏

Meadowsmom profile image

I wanted to try T2 because several reviews said it helped to balance the thyroid hormones and helped with energy. Lack of energy in the afternoon had recently become a problem for me which I wanted to resolve so that I could be at my best and most productive self.

I personally recently tried Dr. Westin Childs’ T2 supplement and it really made me seriously ill. I only took one pill an hour after taking my Synthroid 88mcg and became ill shortly thereafter. I was so ill I thought that I was going to die. It was just too much for me. I had insomnia for 10 consecutive days where sleep was simply not available to me. I was constipated and had tremors, high blood pressure, unquencable thirst as if I was dehydrated, high pulse, and heart palps as if my heart was trying to escape my body. It was bar none, the worst experience of my life. I never had any of these problems prior to investing T2 and I am generally healthy despite being hypo and on Synthroid. Synthroid is the ONLY medicine I take, with no other health issues.

I ended up in the emergency room 3 times during the course of 2 weeks. I was finally able to see my endocrinologist and he had me discontinue my Synthroid for 3 more days. I had already stopped taking it for 3 days prior to seeing him. He said there was too much hormone circulating in my body and T2 stays in the body for days, not hours like T3. It will take weeks for the excess T2 to be eliminated from my body.

Per my endocrinologist’s instructions, am now back on my regular dose of daily Synthroid (3 consecutive days now) but my body has yet to fully recover. It’s now been 3 weeks since i took that one pill,and oh how I regret it!!

I have to see my cardiologist next week to determine if any damage was done to my heart. For the first time in my life, I had an abnormal EKG and must follow-up with my cardiologist. I am praying no permanent damage has been done to my heart, thyroid, or other vital organs.

I am praying every day that I can fully recover. I know there are people that take this supplement without issue, but I certainly am not one of them. I often wonder how could I have become so ill from just one pill, but I did. Everyone has different body chemistries. I am personally drained from the whole experience, mentally and physically

Just my experience, but I wanted to share with others so they are aware of possible risks when accessing whether or not to try this supplement.

I for one am done, and will NEVER take any hormone support supplement again!!!

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