I know to wait 6-8wks in between dosage changes. I am on NDT - same dose last 5mos. & just recently added a smidge more. I am, only, interested in my FT3 lab #s. Since T3 is fast acting and short lived in the body is there any reason I can't have my FT3 tested anytime and have an accurate read? Thanks!
lab draw: I know to wait 6-8wks in between dosage... - Thyroid UK
lab draw
Hello Terebol:
The T3 in NDT is not as ' fast acting ' as that of synthetic Big Pharma T3- Liothyronine.
With NDT the T3 and T4 are attached to hemoglobulin and slowly broken down in the liver and released into the blood stream, and any one dose takes around 3 days to diminish in it's effectiveness throughout the body.
Maintaining same time and like for like circumstances are key to getting as true a blood test reading as you can, as these will fluctuate throughout the day but with NDT it is much more about symptom relief than a blood test reading may say, anyway.
Big thanks for this info!!
Any dose adjustment will need around 6-8 weeks to bed in and reflect itself in a blood test.
No thyroid hormone replacement works well until your ferritin, folate, B12 and vitamin D are up and maintained at optimal.
Have all of those in great shape. In fact, when I had annual lab work done last month, my VitD level was in the 75th% & she said it was too high! I know there can be vit D toxicity, but don't think I am in that range!