I have a friend who has struggled with classic symptoms of hypothyroidism (depression, fatigue etc) for many years now.
Her TSH has remained completely normal at around 1.5, so hypothyroidism was never suspected until I got involved and got her to ask for her T4 to be tested, which came back right at the bottom of the range (still within range but only just).
The fact she has an "ideal" TSH level but rock bottom T4 and all the symptoms of hypothyroidism indicates central hypothyroidism, but her GP is refusing to acknowledge this as a possibility.
I even wrote a letter to her GP with sources from the medical literature and NICE guidelines to explain the significance of her test results, and pointing out that the next step should be an urgent referral to an endocrinologist, however instead the GP ordered a cascade of other blood tests for conditions like RA, lupus, scleroderma, Sjögren's syndrome and polymyositis which all came back negative.
I asked her to have her B12, folate, vitamin D and ferritin tested at some point too and they were all absolutely dire (another sign of hypothyroidism) so she's since been supplementing them all and has reported feeling much greater mental clarity but still quite a lot of physical fatigue.
She also has some symptoms that indicate B12 deficiency like difficulty walking and her MCV was at the top of the range indicating her red blood cells were too large (a sign of hypothyroidism, B12 deficiency and folate deficiency). I asked her to get tested for pernicious anaemia, the result of which initially came back as borderline so she had to be tested again and then it came back negative so PA has been ruled out.
At this point she's also been tested for MS as well as the above diseases which have all been ruled out, and yet they're refusing to explore the thyroid possibility. She's never been tested for Hashimoto's.
What can we do to get her GP to refer her to an endo? To me it's incredibly obvious she has central hypothyroidism, and she has the blood test results already that qualify her to be diagnosed for it and they so far they will not budge. They're now saying she has CFS which is just a cop-out.
Thanks in advance!