In an ideal world, everyone would get the thyroid medication that they need on prescription from their GP, endo. private practitioner etc. Whether that be for a short term trial, or for long term quality of life.
Sadly, in the UK at least, this all too often doesn't happen.
We know that members of this community frequently end up resorting to obtaining their thyroid medications from non-prescription sources. This is not illegal in the UK, but unfortunately it creates opportunities for unscrupulous people to scam us.
If you have recently (in the last six months), purchased your own thyroid medication (T4, T3, NDT etc) without prescription, please message me with information on your source, what you ordered and whether or not you received what you paid for etc.
This will help us to collate an up to date list of trustworthy and untrustworthy sources, so that we can pass the information on to other members if asked.
All information MUST be sent by private message, hence this post is closed to replies to prevent information accidentally being posted publicly.