The issue of sourcing liothyronine (T3) medicines continues to be a difficult area. Without being able simply to publish a list of sources, we have to rely on the technical equivalent of word of mouth - that is, Private Messages.
If you want to ask where you can source liothyronine, I'd like to make the following suggestions and recommendations:
Write a brand new post. If people wish to respond, it should clearly be a response to you and not likely to be confused with other members on a thread started by someone else.
Don't write multiple posts. If you receive no information after a reasonable time, by all means post again. But don't have two or more requests going at the same time.
Make sure that you say which country you are in - or at least, that we can find it in your profile.
Explain whether you have a prescription or not, any special requirements, and some background. People are far more likely to help if they feel you understand what you are asking for.
Don't add a "me too" comment to another thread. Most especially, don't do that on threads that are years old. Such responses are very likely to be missed.
If you receive replies which are helpful, maybe add a comment at the end of your post saying something like: "Thank you to the members who sent me Private Messages. I now have sufficient information."
If someone makes it clear they are happy to be asked by Private Message where they managed to source liothyronine, then just send them a Private Message. There is no need to post "I'm sending a Private Message".
Finally, if you receive a Private Message, think carefully about who sent it and whether it is trustworthy. Check the member's profile. When did they sign up? Was it in the past few days? Have they posted or replied in the past? If you are not sure, wait. Ask an administrator if that source is known to be good.