Covid Booster and/or Flu vaccine – Autumn ’22 –... - Thyroid UK

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Covid Booster and/or Flu vaccine – Autumn ’22 – What was your experience? 

RedApple profile image
66 Replies

This time around, we have decided not to have an actual poll. 

Instead, this will be the OFFICIAL and ONLY place on this forum for members to share their experience of actually having this season's Covid and /or Flu vaccinations. 

🔸 Please ensure that what you are reporting here is about your own experience only. Comments that are off topic, inappropriate, and/or do not relate to personal experience of actually having received this year's vaccine(s) will be removed, and the member will not be notified.

🔸 This post is not a ‘discussion’ thread. If you want to discuss another member’s experience with them, please do so by private message.

🔸 This forum is NOT the place to share information, or your own opinion, about why anyone should or should not get vaccinated.

🔸 No links to external sources are allowed. Any posted will be removed.

🔸 Please be mindful of the fact that this is first and foremost a Thyroid Support forum.

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RedApple profile image
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66 Replies
AmandaK profile image

I have had quite a severe reaction - the (Moderna) booster was exactly two weeks ago . The following day my arm was sore and I was floored, sleping most all day. For most of the following week I felt woozy and fatigued, as though my head was separate from my body and floating in mid air.

Rallied by the beginning of this week so returned to activity Mon and Tues. However, woke on Weds to almighty migraine-like headache and slept on and off during the day and solidly overnight.

Relatively refreshed on Thurs so went ahead with plans for that day and also yesterday.

Today - wiped out again. It's like being back with the worst symptoms of ME (and given that I have made huge strides forward in my health in the past couple of years thanks to Dr Myhill it's very frustrating).

Consulted a pharmacist who advised me to see a GP if things weren't better by the end of next week.

Have had the Pfizer in the past and only had minor side-effects for 24 hours afterwards for two out of the three.

Would be interested to see if anyone else has had a similar experience.

Mtraynor profile image
Mtraynor in reply to AmandaK

same for me

DottysMum profile image
DottysMum in reply to AmandaK

Yes, same for me, after two and a half months things are improving.

Star13 profile image

I had my flu vaccine two weeks ago. Didnt have any side effects at all not even a sore arm which is unusual for me. Three days later however I got Covid and really badly. Im assured it won't affect the flu vaccine.

Aurealis profile image
Aurealis in reply to Star13

do you mind me asking - did you wear a mask to have the vaccine?

Star13 profile image
Star13 in reply to Aurealis


Aurealis profile image
Aurealis in reply to Star13

how annoying for you to catch it anyway!

Bertwills profile image

Hello, I had a Moderna booster this week. Very sore arm indeed. My fibromyalgia aching was particularly bad for 3 days. I felt exhausted & probably should have gone to bed or stayed on the sofa but I had things to do so I might have made my reaction worse by carrying on. I think I will try to plan a quiet time after my next booster, if we still need them. My previous booster was Pfizer and that gave me a much worse reaction. Severe rigours or uncontrollable shaking. I nearly didn’t have another booster after that but this time it was better.

Counsellor profile image

I had the covid (moderne) booster and the flu jab together and had no side effects apart from sore arms for a couple of days.

crimple profile image

I had the latest Moderna booster, 3 weeks ago and reacted within 12 hours with severe headache and then flu like symptoms of aching limbs and painful joints, also shivering and very tired. I did nothing for 48 hours and then was back to normal.

I had reacted to the AZ injections with very severe vertigo after the first jab, less so after the second which lasted for more than 6 months. Pfizer gave me a headache.

I am due my flu vaccine in a week, never had one before due to it being cultured on eggs. Found out I can have an egg free jab!! Will be interesting to see what happens.

DawnD profile image

I had the Pfizer booster and flu jab yesterday and have had no reactions at all.

milkwoman profile image

I’m in the US. I had the flu jab on Sept 22nd and only side effect was a slightly sore arm that only lasted a day. I had the new Pfizer covid booster on October 7th and the needle was so thin I barely felt it going in. No resulting arm soreness or any other symptoms to report 36 hours later.

DoeStewart profile image

I had flu jab Monday 3rd October. By the evening I felt a bit off colour and sore arm. The next 2 days I felt like I had the flu. Arm was sore for 4 days and then the injection site was very itchy. Today I feel fine. Got covid booster tomorrow morning, fingers crossed.

Further post: had covid jab and no issues at all.

ATVMWF profile image

I had Moderna vaccine and felt unwell, fatigue, headache and slightly sore arm. I was recovering from a chest infection and had checked with my G.P. that it would be OK to have the vaccine and they said yes, I had not experienced these after affects with the Pfizer jab. It seemed to increase the chest infection symptoms and I was given a second course of antibiotics as a result. May have been a coincidence, of course.

Was advised to leave 7 days in between booster and the flu jab so going to next flu jab clinic.

BeeOrchids profile image

Had the Moderna booster and within ten minutes started feeling not too well with a sore arm. Following day felt tired and had chills but the major issue was my arm which had swollen and gone red at the site of the jab. Itching with shooting pains until yesterday when I had the flu jab. Checked with the Doctor before the second jab and they were fine with going ahead. Asked me to do a blood pressure reading after for their records, 164 over 75 which was a tad alarming so redid and got 115 over 75 second go. Feeling fine today and have been gardening so all good now

purple64 profile image

I had my flu jab yesterday, the over 65, I always react to the jab. Took 1 paracetamol before but still had a sore arm and felt shivery. With Graves’ disease I am very rarely cold. Took another paracetamol before bed and feel ok this morning apart from a sore arm. Really not looking forward to my covid jab on Friday. I had az before and had a reaction for 24hrs. I think this time it’s the Moderna plus another one, not sure if it’s Pfizer or AstraZeneca. Fingers crossed it will be ok. I did wonder if having an autoimmune disease you react more 🤷‍♀️. Any thoughts on this?

Essexlil profile image
Essexlil in reply to purple64

hi, I don’t think having an autoimmune does affect our reaction. I have Hashimotos and Sjögren’s plus allergies but my husband has just had a far worse reaction to the Moderna booster than myself. I just had a sore arm for a couple of days, however, my poor husband who has no autoimmune problems had very bad aches, shivers, palpitations so bad they were going through his head, and headaches for a couple of days. He was very tired and under the weather too. He was so bad he says he’s not having another unless Covid gets really bad next time around.

syrahrose profile image

I had my flu jab one week, and Moderna booster the next. No side effects only an awareness of jab site for a day or so.

Citrine77 profile image

I had my 4th jab for covid on July. It caused havoc, I had been reasonably stable on my Levo but after the jab (Moderna) I went hyper within a day, which lasted for a few days and then dropped to being hypo, both times having palpitations and depression, extreme anxiety and stress and various other of the usual symptoms. It took about 6 weeks to return to "normal"

Crete profile image
Crete in reply to Citrine77

interesting! i have been stable on Levo for around 10 years , but after my third covid jab (moderna) I also went hyper . Also I had headaches which I hadn't had for ages!

Unfortunately my endo reduced my levo from 88 to 75 to get my TSH back up and I suffered for 6 months with headaches before putting my dose back to 88 and getting stable again!

After research of risks/benefits I decided against further covid booster doses for me....


First two covid jabs were AstraZeneca-no problems

This 3rd booster Moderna I had in June 2021

- not bivalent.

I have never had Covid as far as I know

Had flu jab a few weeks ago - no symptoms at all

Have just had pneumonia jab - sore arm at injection site for a few days

montieth profile image

Hi, the reaction from the fourth covid shot was definitely more intense than the first three. It was mostly overall body muscle aches. I was happy though because I think it means that the shot is working. It did last 3 or 4 days though. I recommend getting this shot when you don't have anything important to do for the next few days.

DippyDame profile image

To keep all responses together on the OFFICIAL page may I add my earlier, now closed, post with 44 case any of these might help/ reassure someone here.

Catseyes235 profile image

Had flu jab yesterday (Friday) and Pfizer booster week before that. Slightly sore arm with booster and more sore with flu jab and nothing else. Went to walk in for booster and was asked if I’d had a reaction before. I said no presuming it was on record that I’d had Pfizer then the injector proceeded to say this is Moderna so I said haven’t you got Pfizer? Oh yes she says would you prefer that? Not impressed really.

Ma66ie profile image
Ma66ie in reply to Catseyes235

Hi Catseyes235, I wasn’t offered anything else other than the Moderna; I was told that everyone was getting that.

Sparklingsunshine profile image
Sparklingsunshine in reply to Ma66ie


My husband and I both got Pfizer boosters on October 15. Which I was happy with as all our previous ones were Pfizer.

Ma66ie profile image

Hi, I’m 71 and was diagnosed Hashimoto’s about 10 years ago (that’s taken my memory and has given my massive mood swings - was made redundant because of the latter). I’ve had two Astra Zeneca, one Pfizer (booster) and on 15/9/22 one Moderna Biovalent.

The first three vaccines, no problem, no side effect whatsoever.

Moderna, however, was a very different, uncomfortable experience that put me in bed for 2 days straight.

I had pain in my vaccined arm (woke me up a few times even), a viscous, constant headache, was very dizzy and lost the lower left quarter of my sight (in both eyes) a couple of times. The latter usually happens when I have a migraine attack (probably once or twice every three weeks or so).

So, slept almost all of the time; both days, both nights. Woke fir usual needs and to take medication and drink water (didn’t eat much at all, but no feelings of sickness).

Third morning (post- vaccine) I awoke feeling fab! As if nothing had happened.

Flu vaccine a couple of days ago was plain-sailing; no reaction.

I wish everyone well.

LizzieAFib profile image

Hubby and I both our COVID jabs at walk in centre that we had to drive to, as the scheduled vaccination event at our local GP was cancelled - apparently they hadn’t received the vaccines. I only found out by chance as I phoned up a couple of days before to check what time we had to be there. We had the latest Moderna vaccine and only symptom was a sore arm for a few days

1tuppence profile image

I had the Moderna Biovalent this time, and did not have the offered flu jab. Past experience with the Pfizer booster showed me it wasn't a good idea to have them at the same time, as both arms were very painful for four days, and nights. The Moderna Biovalent made my arm sore to touch for a couple of days, otherwise I've been fine.

Pmb57 profile image

I had my flu jab on 24th September. The only side effect was a sore arm for about 3/4 days. I haven’t had my covid booster yet, it’s booked for 22nd October.

Snowflutter profile image

Age 55 UK with Graves Hyperthyroid, TED, Bronchiectasis, Lymphopenia (Auto-immune), Menopause, Fibromyalgia - had Moderna with Omicron protection Autumn booster 3 weeks ago, very mild reaction compared to previous AZ and Pfizer vacs causing me to miss a day of two off work very ill and felt like I had covid.

Just had sore arm and slightly lethargic with Moderna booster. Had flu vac Next day in other arm. Just had sore arm, and slight swelling, had a lot worse flu vac reaction in the past.

App1 profile image

Two weeks ago had both the new Moderna and annual ‘flu jab at GP surgery. No problems to report. As usual for me the anticipation was worse than the needles.

Omadoll profile image

I had both the flu jab and covid booster 7 days ago. First time I have had the flu jab for many years.

I had sore arms and was extremely tired for a couple of days but that was it. Very surprised but delighted.

bekind2021 profile image

I had my flu jab a week ago today and have been fine. A slightly tender arm, but that's it.

rick2525 profile image

Had Pfizer one week ago today. Really sore painful arm. Im 6 weeks into a T3 trial which was going nicely. The Covid jab seems to have put me back with hashi symptoms. Waking up sweating in night which happened afteafter 1st Covid booster. Headaches. Gut issues worse too. Just starting to turn a corner after a week....i hope. I had flu jab 2 weeks ago with no problem.

HGP1 profile image

Covid Moderna BV Booster

Quick read:

Overall I found this one much better than the other covid vaccines

Very sore arm, could barely move it at times

Painful all over body aches muscle/joint/bones for a couple of days


Flu like bit 3 days to pass

Pain in arm eased off over a week

Vaccine/immune response interacted with my levothyroxine again and I became overmedicated (resolved by reduction in meds)

More details:

My arm was most painful of all covid vaccines I've had, couldn't lift it above chest height on the eve of when I had vaccine, pain from it impacted sleep. I tried moving it around which once past initial pain was a bit better until stopped moving it then bad again. (I had to use my other arm to move it to start to try swinging/circling)

Flu like body aches were pretty bad to the point I was regretting having it as forgot how much it would hurt, but after 3 days was over most of it bar some fatigue. I got a bit warm/hot flush but not fever.

I didn't get the pleasant feeling loads better for a day or so side effect that I did with the others which was a shame.

It still made me overmedicated (levothyroxine) but took a bit longer to kick in this time (maybe a week). My main overmedicated symptom being related to HR going from my usual resting 53ish to 90-100 when I stood up, this has symptoms such as breathlessness, lightheaded, palpations and made fatigue & brain fog worse. I have Postural Hypotension and found it difficult to differentiate the two as a lot of cross over of symptoms but the HR is usually for me linked to too much levo (if not P.E.M related). I forgot to skip dose on day of vaccine as I did with 2 prior due to this happening before which didn't help

When I realised that it probably had interacted rather than being pleasantly surprised it hadn't I skipped next dose of levo, tried slightly lower than usual dose next day (37.5mg) which made me feel awful again, so tried tiny dose next day (12.5mg) which I felt a lot better on, couple of days at next one up (25mg) I've tried 37.5mg today and if prior experience anything to go back will be on this for probably 3 or so months before going back to 50mg again (about half of my pre any covid vaccines dose) which I've remained stable at for a number of months.

I am on midodrine for Postural Hypotension for the first time this booster and it masked the HR (overmedicated levo) issue as symptoms similar and it helped reduce it, I didn't realise as quickly as I might have done if I wasn't on midodrine that I needed to reduce my levo again. Initially I thought this vaccine hadn't interacted with my levo requirements, it took me about a week to suspect and was only when I used HR monior and paid more attention to my HR rather BP I realised what was causing it

I got awful upset stomach with Pfizer and pleased to say Moderna didn't give me any gastric issues :)

It's been 2 weeks since I had booster and I can definitely say it has been much better than the other ones, despite the painful rough start to the side effects as my immune response kicked in. First Az took me 12 weeks to get over and I was very unwell, 2nd one I think 2-3 months, Pfizer booster a good couple of weeks, this was only 3 days of feeling awful then back to my usual symptom fluctuations albeit at the worse end of the scale on some occasions so needed a bit of extra help here and there.

I had covid in July and the booster is no where near as bad as that was for me or the longer term post viral fatigue and impact on my other conditions so glad I had it even though I really wasn't sure for those first couple of days!

I chose not to have my flu vaccine at the same time due to previous issues with strong side effects from covid vaccine. I currently plan to wait until end of the month or November to give my body time to get over the Covid vaccine first but will come back to comment on the flu one once I've had it

Also the experience itself at the pharmacy was very quick, there was no waiting around, minimal questions bar making sure they had the right person I think from my appointment time it took about 2 mins before I was out the door!

Ex111 profile image

I had both two weeks ago . Had a sore arm for a few days where the covid vaccine had been administrated ( moderna) . No other reactions .

Jaydee1507 profile image

2 days ago I had the newly adapted (to current conditions) Pfizer vaccine. First day I was very slightly more fatigued than usual and had a painful injection site/dead arm. Today I feel fine in myself but the dead arm is continuing. Hopefully by tomorrow it will be gone. Pretty uneventful and glad I've had it done.

Hellyhoo27 profile image

I had the Moderna booster last Tuesday, felt fine initially but the next morning woke with severe headache, aching limbs, feverish and weak. Previously I hadn’t had any of these symptoms with either AZ or Pfizer but I still thought it would only last 24 hours. The next day woke up again with severe headache and was soaking wet must have had fever in the night. Headache and tiredness lasted 3 days and I noticed cold like symptoms (runny nose) which have just gone today, although felt well enough in other respects to go out on the Friday. I was at the doctors (for something else) and she said many people had a worse reaction to the Moderna as it was for several variants. I am having my flu next but have delayed it due to the symptoms I’ve had with this.

Bumley profile image

Just a sore arm from the Covid jab that lasted 3 days. I had the jab the day before and no effects from that

randomlil profile image

Age 72, hubby 74. Both had Pfizer in Jan and April 2021 followed by booster in October 2021. No reaction at all for hubby for any of the jabs apart from a slightly sore arm.

I couldn’t even find where I’d been jabbed after the first, the second was uncomfortable for a couple of nights when lying on that side.

Booster - different story. A couple of weeks after the jab hives started appearing on my arms, legs and abdomen. These were itchy and like boils but without a head and carried on for about two or three months overall.

Early in 2022 I had been given Teva thyroxine for the first time and after taking 5 days doses I developed vertigo, spinning beds etc. so I stopped taking them and changed them for a different brand. The vertigo gradually went away over a couple of months. (About 4 months later I was given the Teva again by mistake and I took some to see if the vertigo came back but it didn’t so I don’t believe Teva was the cause.)

Around Easter my heart started racing at 130 for no reason even when sitting (my usual resting heart rate is between 60 and 64). It would stay high for several minutes and then go back to normal. Again this lasted for several months.

Overlapping from about January 2022 I developed a very itchy bumpy rash on my buttocks and down the back of my legs which didn’t respond to anti-itch cream, anti-histamines, E45, Sudocrem, Vaseline etc. Eventually I went to GP in September who diagnosed fungal infection which has now cleared up after treatment.

I have never had any of these symptoms before and I don’t have any other health problems other than hypothyroidism.

Timetraveler67 profile image
Timetraveler67 in reply to randomlil

how are you doing? I do hope your improving it sounds awful my neighbour has same and has been given antibiotics and steroids which he says helps somewhat but still has the red blister type rash up both arms and on back of his legs but he did say the treatment is helping him

randomlil profile image
randomlil in reply to Timetraveler67

Hi there, thanks for your reply. The rash is back again but not as extensive as before. If it doesn't improve over the next few weeks I'll see the GP again. Otherwise glass half full.

Britomartis29 profile image

Having already had all four Modernas, I was eligible in September for the bivalent booster and had it. Refused flu vax on the same day fearing side effects. Maybe that was the wrong decision: felt nothing at all, only a slightly sore and reddened arm. Will have to go back for flu vax. (In US)

Christabel profile image

I had the Pfizer booster three days ago. The following day and the day after that I was wiped out, still have a headache that won't go away and am still very tired. My arm hurt for two days.

PurpleButterfly2 profile image

I had my flu jab 3 weeks ago. I felt a little "fluey” for a few days which people without thyroid issues can have too. I usually react ok with flu jabs.

And I had the Covid Autumn Booster 1 week ago ( Pfizer-BioNTech). Can’t say I feel worse than I already was/I’m before the jab. Maybe a little more tired, yet that’s to be expected with jabs.

I hope I’m allowed to mention the following as this is related to covid jab, Booster and Flu jab, and it’s of my own experience….Having said that, I had 2 jabs and booster last year, and after my booster in December last year, 6 days later I developed Tinnitus! There has not been 1 second, 1 day without buzzing in my ears! I know that people with thyroid issues can develop tinnitus which isn’t related to jabs because I have read it several times on Thyroid Uk too. But I’m absolutely certain that it is the covid booster last year that is the culprit for my having Tinnitus now. Was referred to ENT this year. Saw consultant in June this year and after visual inspection of my ears he couldn’t find anything “wrong”. Was referred for MRI for Internal Auditory Meatus MRI which I had yesterday, and awaiting results…..

jade_s profile image

I got the adapted Pfizer booster yesterday. First one where my arm didn't feel like it was about to fall off (thank you lovely nurse). It was and still is slightly sore but completely bearable. Feeling a bit tired and apathetic, and thyroid-wise feeling a combo of under & over medicated. Brain fogged. I've had to take a small stress dose of hycrocortisone this evening, on top of my regular dose.

Overall, the easiest of the 4 I've had: 2 initial pfizer, moderna booster (gave me a splitting headache), and now the adapted pfizer. I did have covid 3 months ago so that may be affecting side effects?

Flu shot only available here next month. I never have issues but I don't think I'd want to combine them anyway.

SlowDragon profile image

Moderna booster 3 days ago

No side effects at all …….Not even a sore arm

Will get flu vacc on couple of weeks

BootsOn profile image
BootsOn in reply to SlowDragon

Similar for me, Pfizer booster 5 days ago, sore arm for about 3 days but nothing like previously, no other side effects. Flu vac in 2 days' time.

I had the Pfizer booster and flu vaccine in one sitting on the Friday afternoon.

Spent all of Saturday in bed and have spent 2 weeks recuperating. Only just back to normal but my mental health took a beating.

Previously no noticible symptoms with either vaccines.

Hubby and I got Pfizer booster on 15 October. I declined flu jab at the same time as I wanted to space them out. I've got flu jab on Monday at local pharmacy. Hubby got double jabbed though, he doesn't normally bother with flu jabs but the jabber had a captive audience so he got that as well lol.

He felt quite rough by the evening. Both arms aching and feeling fluey. Apart from a sore and aching arm I didn't deal much at all. I sometimes worry my lack of symptoms means my immune system has hibernated. But I'm rarely ill with coughs and colds.

All jabs have been Pfizer. I've tended to get very sore red arm in the past with flu jab but last year nada, so here's hoping. I learnt a valuable lesson from my FIL who got double jabbed and his arms were so tender he had to sleep on his back for several days 😄

Shazamm profile image

had my 3rd covid booster 2weeks ago and as with all the others had sore arm, migraine and flu like symptoms ( aching limbs and shivers) from about 12 hours after jab for about 24 hrs and then all back to normal. Had flu jab 2 days ago , absolutely no symptoms at all .

Maygirl profile image

I had my flu vaccine 6 weeks ago no reaction just a bit of a sore arm for a couple of days, which I expected. Left a gap of 3 weeks before had my Covid one, had Pfizer, again no reaction just a slightly sore arm but only for a day.

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to Maygirl

Me too 💃

Regenallotment profile image

I had the Pfizer booster 13th Oct. flu jab in one arm, covid in the other. Covid jab arm was tiny bit sore but nothing like previous Moderna jabs.

I think I had a cold at the same time though and have felt a bit rough since, a few allergy flare ups and some anxiety too. Some unexplained weight gain (increased mucin) and more hypo symptoms too. Feeling lots better in the last 3 days. So I make that about 14 days of symptoms.

Partner20 profile image

My partner and I both had flu and Covid booster at the same appointment three weeks ago. The Covid booster was Moderna, whereas we had previously had the Pfizer vaccine. The only side-effect experienced was by me, with an extremely painful left (Covid vaccination side) arm, though not sore or swollen, for a couple of days.

TaraJR profile image

I had first & second dose Astra Zeneca, and no real side effects.

Pfizer booster in Oct 2021 and it felt like I'd gone hyper, so I reduced my T3 quite a bit for a week, then I definitely went hypo, so gradually increased up to my normal dose again, and I was fine

3 weeks ago I had the Moderna bivalent and I've been very tires ever since. A few days I haven't been able to do much at all, and needed a long lie down in the daytime. Just did a Medichecks and my T4 and T3 have gone high (T3 well over range 10 hours after my last dose). And TSH more suppressed than ever. So I've reduced my T3 again. Leaving my Levo dos as it is as hoping everything will settle in a week or so.

I'm now convinced the Pfizer and Moderna have caused thyroiditis.

Charlie-Farley profile image

pfizer BioNTech

October 30th sore arm, floored for two days and headache. I couldn’t muster energy to do much at all other than make a cup of tea.

erde profile image

Had the Moderna Spikevax last week and by the evening I started to feel cold and shivery, during the night I was hot and aching from my head to my toes, took paracetamol and was in bed the following days, after 48 hours felt better but arm was painful for 5 days. Not having the flu jab as I've never had the jab before.

thyreoidea profile image
thyreoidea in reply to erde

Had the same jab and reaction.

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to thyreoidea


As this is not a discussion thread, as explained in the opening post, please ask erde your question in a private message.

MrsSAcky profile image

Had our flu jabs last Saturday, and today 5days later I’ve woke up feeling rough, feels like fever but temp only 37.3, aching joints and stomach ache like constipation 😞 and now bunged up nose… neg for covid too this afternoon

Anyone had this after the jab? 

Many thanks

diamondial profile image

My husband and I both had the Pfizer jab (Comirnaty) 4 days ago and neither of us has had any side effects at all.

Katrina999666 profile image

I had the flu jab 1st sore arm red swollen and very itchy 2 weeks later had the Pfizer no adverse reaction

Kapuna profile image

Had both at the same time and experienced no effects. Only effect I had from any of the previous Pfizer jabs was a slightly sore arm. Have learned that rubbing the injection site keeps pain away. As.for the flu shot I’ve never had a reaction.

Kapuna profile image

our health provider combined the fifth COVID shot and the flu shot into one. I made sure to rub the injection location. My reaction to the shot was a bit of a sore arm but nothing more I recall. I am 79 and received the heavier dose.

paddington profile image

Fine - had both on same day (I must admit that it wouldn't have been my choice and was also a first for me, as previously had them a month apart). However, no issues at all.

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