Had my long awaited phone consultation with my GP today after having symptoms of hypothyroidism since March and sub-clinical test results.
Was armed with all the evidence and advice given to me by all the kind people on here, but doctor just wasn't interested at all.
Just kept repeating at me that my TSH is only a little elevated and my T4 "is nicely in range" and 'eventually' I might get problems. Tried to point out I'm having problems now but apparently they're nothing to do with my thyroid as I'm "in range".
I suppose the only upside is that he's ordered me a full blood count to check my iron and vitamin levels to try and understand why I'm so exhausted all the time 🙄
I'm just so upset to have my concerns brushed off in such a manner.
Any suggestions for moving forwards? I can't afford private medical treatment and insurance won't cover current conditions.