Having been unwell since being diagnosed with hypothyroidism in Jan 07, being so ignorant of the problem. I truly believed that all I needed to do was take my Levothyroxine n that was it, I was cured. Since then I've suffered with so many infections, arthritis & degenerative discs in my spine, fatigue like you wouldn't believe. I've had 18 hospital stays due to illness since then with all sorts Inc meningitis x 3.
Finally after having my last bout of meningitis I've started to research thyroid n hashimoto's and am having 2 months off work (unpaid )to concentrate on getting myself well with gluten free diet as well cutting out additives, perservities & flavourings.
For the last 9 months I've felt horrendous n my blood test results have been up n down like a yo yo, my GP has no idea regarding thyroid problems n just orders another blood test n we never ever get anywhere. In November I had shingles in my mouth which then became infected n it took 4 weeks to recover. I've just had viral meningitis and finally put my foot down n demanded more tests etc.
I suffer with every symptom, weight gain, tiredness but unable to sleep unless it's 4 am to 10 am which obviously isn't plausible, dry skin , hair loss , facial hair, constipation, uti, headache, hearing loss, fast heart rate, anxiety, thristy ness, dizziness, pins & needles, brain fog, numb hands, blurred vision, dry eyes, heavy periods, low blood pressure n fainting, nightmares n so on. I'm also ill a lot.
anyway a phone call to the surgery today n some of my results are back - my tsh is 28, my t4 is 26 n my antibodies are 285.
I'm trying to research so that I go to my GP with a plan of action (I've an appt in the morning ) I'm going round n round in circles. So basically I'm asking for some help from you guys, you all seem so informed. What would you be asking / expecting from your GP?