Hello lovely, helpful and knowledgeable people. Just a quick question, has anyone used the Blue Horizon DNA swab tests? Was looking at the Dio2 test but they seemed to have more interesting things they can test for too. Just curious, lots to learn about. Hope it’s ok to ask this question? Thanking you
Blue Horizon: Hello lovely, helpful and... - Thyroid UK
Blue Horizon

Auders, It's absolutely fine to ask your question, but this is a quiet time on the forum so you may not get much feedback.

Regenerus test is the recommended Dio2 gene test

If I were you, I'd have a read of this site:
To be as clear as I can, this is a commercial site. And I am in no way commenting on their products. (I have no information to base any comments on - positive or negative.)
But they do have a pretty good set of explanatory information which might help you. Follow this link and wander round using the options in the left-side panel (that is how it appears on a computer - might not be like that on a phone):
Depending on what you are looking for, it might endorse Blue Horizon's offerings - or point out shortcomings. Again, I do not know.
I've used Sequencing to download and analyse my raw genetic data from Ancestry.
I did the BH Dio2 test a few years ago and found the report lacking in clear detail....over simplication!
This may have changed.
But it did give me the info that enabled me to investigate further and discover that I have the Dio2 polymorphism/ homozygous.
To basically check if conversion is poor then compare FT4 with FT3
High FT4 with low FT3 indicates poor conversion
But....medics are more likely to accept the genetic result as a reason to prescribe T3
With hindsiight I would now use Regenerous....am I allowed to say that?
Please delete if not!!
Thank you, I’m going to have a good old read and hopefully make sense of it all 🙏

Members who have done Dio2 test via BH have found results difficult/impossible to interpret or get medics to accept validity
Regenerus is a recognised gene test …..which is why consultation re the results is compulsory….but also makes it quite expensive ….though good value if it helps get T3 prescribed on NHS
Thank you so much for that, it’s very helpful information. I may go for Regenerus then, just a bit put off because they don’t give any estimates of the results consultations prices 🙏
Yes, they do. They call it their Telephone Support Consultation...cost £65.00
This gives the price - £88 - and if you click on "More Information" you will see a sample report.