Hi, I've just done a blue horizon test. They've emailed to say they've received the sample today & have said do I still want the doctors comments for the results...as that will take another 2-3 days if I do. Has anyone got experience of having tests done by them & is it worth having the doctors comments or not? & did it take much longer to get the results back? They say the doctors comments are free..just will take longer to email results through... Many thanks for any help much appreciated
Blue horizon test results...: Hi, I've just done... - Thyroid UK
Blue horizon test results...

Doctors comments aren;t worthwaiting for if you're posting here. If it were me I'd go ahead without them.
Hi...thanks for your reply. If it was just thyroid function tests & vitamins then I would definitely just post on here, but as I've been feeling so rubbish & not getting anywhere with the doctors I've had a pretty comprehensive set of tests done with Blue Horizon & got a nurse free with it to my home (can never get a decent finger prick test done) so hoping it might shed some light on things...we can but hope
diagnosed2013 Depends on which tests you had done and how confident you are about interpreting results or trusting of other people to interpret results. Personally, if I were just having thyroid & vitamins done I wouldn’t bother getting the doctor’s feedback, but I tend to get a whole load of things tested, which means that there is the chance that an out of range result will come up for something I don’t know about (most recently prolactin). In those cases the doctor’s feedback gives me a starting point, even though I then go on to learn about whatever it is
Hi...thanks for your reply. Would you mind me asking what your prolactin levels were on your test? Were they low or high? Just so many symptoms & don't know where to start. The test was a pretty comprehensive one as had problems with fbc being abnormal & it needed repeating, but I saw a physician associate last time at my doctors & although he was good in one way ....he tested my faecal calprotectin which had never been done & it came back raised so its just been repeated. To the blood count not being right, he just said that's ok. But if a lab says abnormal, repeat then surely that's what they should be looking at? Especially as I've been feeling so rubbish these last 8-10 months...sorry rant over. Thanks for your reply.
If your test was a pretty comprehensive one, I would suggest getting the doctor's feedback.
My prolactin was unexpectedly high (it has never been high before). There can be a host of reasons for that happening, some of which are just transient, so I repeated the test yesterday and am waiting for the results now. Should be back in the next few days (a load of things were tested, some of which take a few days to come back).
I am attempting to reverse an endocrine condition (tertiary adrenal insufficiency) at the moment, so am tapering off a medication and letting my body adjust each time I taper. It is a process for which there seem to be no studies showing what happens to the rest of the body whilst the tapering is being done. I do, however, know of one other person who reversed the same condition and who also found her prolactin went high, but she had other things going on as well (not to mention being a different gender to me) so may just be coincidence. So, whether my prolactin went high because of that tapering or something else is still an unknown. I am keeping fingers crossed that yesterday's test shows it back within range and the adrenal insufficiency continuing to recover. If the opposite is the case, I may have to question the tertiary adrenal insufficiency diagnosis (hopefully not)
I don't bother getting doctor's comments on test results most of the time. But sometimes I think it is worth seeing what they will comment on and what they say because if you think you might need to see a doctor in the flesh the comments give you clues about what to expect.
I must admit I am never impressed by the comments. But I do like having a forewarning occasionally in case I want to see a doctor about something.
Would be interesting to see what they had said 😀