I’m just reposting this as I think forum was busy last time and I didn’t get any replies.
Apologies for long post, the bottom line though is to ask for suggestions on which private b/t to order before restarting T3.
I have just had a follow up appointment with my nhs Endo after 9 months.
At my last appointment I was prescribed a trial of T3 and the dose given was based on blood test results my gp had done a couple of months earlier and only tsh was tested.
Thanks to help on here I did a private b/t and started my T3 with help from members.
In the last 9 months I’ve seen a private Endo a couple of times who wrote to my gp with follow up letters. On my last appointment in February I decided to stop my T3 due to slight chest tightness and get checked with cardiac dept. If all clear I would try T3 again.
the private Endo agreed but also thought it wasn’t anything to do with heart. Again a follow up letter explaining this was sent to my gp.
the chest tightness did stop after stopping T3.
I’ve now had cardiac tests and all is fine. All this info was on my notes.
At my nhs appointment last week I was surprised when she asked how I was getting on with T3 and she was surprised when I said I stopped 9 months ago.
Despite letters from private Endo and several gp phone discussions detailing everything above she knew nothing about it.
Perhaps she didn’t read my notes.
Endo is happy to start me back on T3 for which I am very grateful.
She said chest tightness could have been from too much Levo.
I’ve been advised a dose by her (5mcg T3 twice a day with 50 mcg Levo) I currently take 87.5 Levo.
This is based on a b/t I recently had done by gp for an nhs general check /mot as aged 67 years. I went for the nhs check not realising they would take blood and had already taken my Levo 4 hours earlier that morning. only tsh was tested.
the Endo said……all normal with my tsh in range so start T 3 on the dose above.
I’m going to get a private b/t , could anyone recommend one before starting t3 please.
I’ve posted the results from my nhs check last week , they’ve tested other things but this is while I was on Thorne Basic B Complex. I’ve now stopped the Basic B Complex in preparation for b/t.
Apologies if this post is too long winded. I’ve been feeling pretty rough /symptomatic since being just back on Levo and I guess I’m now trying very hard to get it right.
Thanks to everything I’ve learnt on here I’m certainly not going to restart T3 with 2 doses & reduce Levo all at once and this being based on an incomplete thyroid blood test.